Crocagator Heh heh heh. Happy New Year to everbuddy. Today Crocagator askin' everybuddy: "Hey! You gotta New Year's resolution? What it is?"
Crocagator Heh heh heh. Hey, Bank! You gotta New Year's resolution? What it is?
Red Mr. Peanut Bank Hello, Crocagator! And a Happy New Year to you! Yes, I do have a resolution: I resolve to be so much more patient with everyone and everything here en la rectoría this year.
Crocagator Heh heh heh. Good one, Bank! And you, Bird: You gotta New Year's resolution? What it is?
Crocagator Heh heh heh. Dat's wut I tot!
Crocagator Heh heh heh. New Year's greetin's, Hippo lady! You gotta New Year's resolution? What it is?
Miss Egyptian Hippo of Love ¡Feliz Año Nuevo, Crocagator! My resolution is to record some music and take the band on the road. And what is your resolution, Crocagator?
Crocagator Heh heh huh? I'mma askin' kweshions 'round heah! See ya later!
Miss Egyptian Hippo of Love After a while!
Crocagator Heh heh heh. It's da cat!
Mr. Chompy's Chewed-up Squeaky Kitty Toy Hey dere, Crocagatuh! 'sup witchoo?
Crocagator Heh heh heh. I'mma askin' kweshions at everbuddy. You gotta New Year's resolution? What it is?
Mr. Chompy's Chewed-up Squeaky Kitty Toy Well, I don' smoke or nuttin', so I don haffa give up anyting. Mostly I'mma gonna avoid dat dang Chompita! She's alla time chewin' on me!
Crocagator Heh heh heh. Dats a good 'un!
Crocagator Heh heh heh. Wadda we gots heah? It's da likkle guys, El Penguino, Spikey Ting, and Tiny Baby Jesus!
Lil' Jesus Lil' Jesus, not Tiny Baby Jesus! Geez Loueeze!
Crocagator Heh heh heh. When ya git outta da manger?
Lil' Jesus I wasn't IN the manger!
Crocagator Heh heh heh. Not talkin' a you.
¡El Penguino! Oh, you're talking to me? Well, I got out of the manger as soon as the pageant was over, of course! What are you up to, Crocagator?
Crocagator Heh heh heh. I'mma askin' kweshions at everbuddy. You gotta New Year's resolution? What it is?
Lil' Jesus I'm going to change my name to Yeshua, Wisdom's Child. Maybe everyone will quit calling me Tiny Baby Jesus then!
Crocagator Heh heh heh. STILL not talkin' a you!
Ida Hedgehog What is a "resolution?" I've never heard of such a thing!
Crocagator Heh heh heh. Not talkin' a YOU, eeder, Spikey Ting! Talkin' atta Lil' Birdy fella.
¡El Penguino! I don't know. . . Maybe Yeshua, Wisdom's Child here and I can start a magic act or sumpin'. The hedgehog can hold stuff
Crocagator Heh heh heh. I digs dat!
Crocagator Heh heh heh. Mooses. You two gotsa New Year's resolution? What it is?
Mighty Moose of Vermont Well, no, not really. I haven't even considered coming up with a resolution.
Fuzzy Southern Mountain Moose Mah resulooshun ista luv theus moose evan moah than aiy already do!
Crocagator Heh heh heh. It gittin' mushy roun' here. Gotta go!
Crocagator Heh heh heh. Ugly grumpy ting.
Grumps the Gargoyle Go away!
Crocagator Heh heh heh. You gotta New Year's resolution? What it is?
Grumps the Gargoyle GO AWAY!!
Crocagator Heh heh heh. You got it one! What it is what it is what it is???
Grumps the Gargoyle It's to avoid people like you! NOW GO AWAY!!
Crocagator Heh heh heh. Bite me!
Crocagator Heh heh heh. It's da New Guy! Hey, New Guy, You gotta New Year's resolution? What it is?
Buddy Christ Hello, Crocagator! No, I don't have a resolution because everything I do is according to The Plan©! (©4004 BCE The Lord God Almighty יהןה Enterprises)
Crocagator Heh heh heh. Dat's a GOOD plan! See ya later!
Buddy Christ Not if I see you first! It's all part of The Plan©.
Crocagator Heh heh heh. Bunrab! Happy New Year on you!
Bunrab, the Filthiest Toy in the House Oh! Hello Crocagator! Happy New Year on you, too!
Crocagator Heh heh heh. You gotta New Year's resolution? What it is?
Bunrab, the Filthiest Toy in the House My Resolution: To spread love and good cheer though out the neighborhood; to love my neighbor as myself, and to treat every knick-knack and dog toy with dignity and respect. Oh, and to keep my stuffing in my body instead of all over the floor. So I guess my REAL resolution is to avoid that dang dog! Look at my nose! LOOK AT MY NOSE!!!
Crocagator Heh heh heh. Good luck wit dat!
Crocagator Heh heh heh. Okay, howabowt YOU, Faceful Readuh? You gotta New Year's resolution? What it is? Tell us 'bout it in da comments.
Everybody, in one voice ¡Feliz Año Nuevo a todos!
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