Saturday, December 15, 2007

Today At St. Christopher's Parish

Today we held the Closura or Graduation for the class on Arregalos Navideños or Christmas Decorations. It was a rather small class this year, only seven people, but they did some great work, as you can see here. The Instructor, Señora Felicia Hoyos, presented the Lovely Mona and I a beautiful decoration for the front door of la Rectoría: a large red key! I awarded certificates to the students and teachers. The class was a total of 70 hours; not bad! Then, as is our Tradition, we had a Brindis with lots of good food! Here are the fótos:

A nice conversation before the Closura

Young Mr. Franklin tries to keep himself amused

Shy girl

Barbara Smith presents Felcia Hoyos, the Instructor, with a gift

Ms. Hoyos presents Padre with a gift

A Certificate for Ms. Ana Dalton

The Proud Graduates and Teacher

The Decorations

Barbara with her creations

Patsy Pusey's dolls and paintings

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love it! Love the beautiful Christmas Decorations! Wonderful, Gorious! I salute you Anglican LADIES of JOY!

The Archbishop on Canterbury ought have taken this might have improved his disposition (nobody likes "frownies" during Advent) and his ability to say FELICIDADES to EVERYONE during the upcoming Christmas season...there are miracles a'coming! I know stuff and the Ladies of St. Christopher's Parish KNOW IT TOO!

Ingrid Casa Blanca-Rojas Saunders

I See You!

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