Thursday, January 27, 2011

Escuela Biblica de Verano

Vacation Bible School continues at San Cristóbal. Here's our routine: Around 8:30 am or so, the lil' darlin's and their teachers come into the church for our morning devotions. Padre plays the guitar, the Lovely Mona leads the singing, and Carl leads the prayers, while one of the Bible School participants reads the lesson for the day. After the final song and getting their instructions for the day, they all head to their classrooms to work on their lessons. Members of the ECW prepare snacks and lunch. Then, around 12:30 pm, we return to the church for our closura. Today we had a sing-off, and the older kids won because they had just been to campamento and know more songs than the little kids. Plus they know songs with cool hand motions. Then, after a prayer and the benediction, they all head home to store up energy for the next day!

Photos by the Lovely Mona

Hillary reads the lesson


Chef Bárbara

Teresa cleans up

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