Red Mr. Peanut Bank Here we are in Psuedopiskie's Prius, on our way to Philadelphia! Oh, what fun we will have!
Gallito Mescalito ¡Shriek!
Red Mr. Peanut Bank I know you're a bit uncomfortable, but these spaces are actually for cups, not Gallitos.
Gallito Mescalito ¿Shriek? ¡Shriek!
Red Mr. Peanut Bank Oh, puhLEEZE! It can't be THAT bad!! Try shifting position.
Gallito Mescalito ¡¡SHRIEK!!
Red Mr. Peanut Bank Your ankles hurt? I didn't even know gallitos had ankles. Let's just enjoy the sights now, please.
Red Mr. Peanut Bank Oh, calm down! That is NOT a real person; it is a statue, kind of like you are a statue. It is not a person missing an arm and torso.
Gallito Mescalito ¿Shriek?
Red Mr. Peanut Bank I'm not sure, but that face seems to be all over the place.
Gallito Mescalito ¡Shriek!
Red Mr. Peanut Bank You're right, it's that man's face again! Maybe that's Phil A. Delphia himself!
Gallito Mescalito ¡¡SHRIEK!!
Red Mr. Peanut Bank Perhaps it IS a joke name, thank you!
Red Mr. Peanut Bank Oh my goodness! It's HIM!
Gallito Mescalito ¡¡SHRIEK!!
Cardboard Benjamin Franklin Hi boys! I hope you're enjoying Philadelphia!
Gallito Mescalito ¡¡SHRIEK!!
Red Mr. Peanut Bank We are! WE ARE! But, pardon my ignorance: who are you?
Cardboard Benjamin Franklin I'm Benjamin Franklin, the only President of the United States of America who was NEVER President of the United States of America!
Gallito Mescalito ¿Shriek?
Cardboard Benjamin Franklin Well of course! I'd LOVE to have my picture taken with you two!
Red Mr. Peanut Bank Well, here we are in front of Christ's Church.
Gallito Mescalito¡SHRIEK! ¡SHRIEK! ¡SHRIEK! ¡SHRIEK!
Red Mr. Peanut Bank Your ankles are killing you? Maybe you should rest.
Red Mr. Peanut Bank Thank you, Lovely Mona, for allowing me to see the Liberty Bell! Poor Gallito Mescalito's ankles hurt so much that he had to rest in Padre's CREDO bag.
The Lovely Mona I can't believe I'm doing this! And I couldn't believe the look on that guard's face when she found you in Padre's CREDO bag.
Gallito Mescalito¡SHRIEK! ¡SHRIEK! ¡SHRIEK! ¡SHRIEK!
Red Mr. Peanut Bank I feel so bad! I thought he was being overly dramatic when he said his ankles hurt!
Miss Egyptian Hippo Of Love Well that can't feel very good! What shall we do?
Red Mr. Peanut Bank Poor Gallito! POOR GALLITO!!
Miss Egyptian Hippo Of Love We've got a big gathering tomorrow night and he needs to be there, too!
Gallito Mescalito ¿Shriek?
Buddy Christ Hey there, buddy! What's the problem?
Gallito Mescalito¡SHRIEK! ¡SHRIEK! ¡SHRIEK! ¡SHRIEK!
Buddy Christ Well, don't worry, fella. We can fix this!
Gallito Mescalito ¿Shriek? ¡Shriek!
Buddy Christ Just look at me. . .concentrate. . .focus. . .and THERE! FIXED!
Gallito Mescalito ¡¡SHRIEK!!
Buddy Christ No problem, buddy! I like healing folks. You be good now, ya hear?
Red Mr. Peanut Bank Thank God Gallito Mescalito experienced a miraculous healing so we could all be here tonight!
Miss Egyptian Hippo Of Love Praise the Lord! Now we can have fun and meet all these great people!
The Great Oogly Moogly Bug Thang, off camera OW!! MY EYE!!!
Eileen, the Episcopalifem, off camera Oops! My bad!
Elizabeth, The Evil Lesbian Priestess, off camera I've got it! Anyone have a fork? There shall be a HEALING!!
What a story! Shriek! Shrieeeek!
Glad you're all healed Gallito Mescalito. What would the Friday night blogging be without you?
Clearly Jesus saves! And makes the ow-ees all better!
Gallito Mescalito was harmed? How did I miss it? You *know* how much I worry about him (as he runs around with that Red individual who has been leading him astray) all be careful amongst all those White people! They aren´t ALL as nice as they appear to be...can be tricky, trust me, I know (and I´m white)! Best not to start any racial stuff but WATCH OUT FOR THE ONES WITH HEAVY ACCENTS!
I mean it. Multi-colored/checkered is far more healthy...Shrieeeek!
Um....yeah....I don't know my own strength apparently.
But I think Elizabeth did an AWESOME job of standing in for Buddy Christ. I never saw anyone wield a fork like she did!
All this healing is making this baby Episcopalian a bit uncomfortable.
All y'all were clearly up to no good. Sounds like a great time. KJ, we have everything in the Episcopal Church: smells, bells, healings, silence, noise, inclusive language, exclusive language, hierarchy, lay governance (the latter two mean it can mess up [using the polite term here] in both places, and frequently does), and lotsa crazy people. You'll have a great time. Hang on to your hat.
KJ, the weird has only just begun....
Gallito pobrecito, ¡que pena verte dañado! Glad you're feeling better. I saw some of your cousins in a store window after dinner tonight. They send you a shout out.
Dear lovely Mona:
The things we do for love.
Wonderful, Padre. Buddy Christ is so cool!
The secrit word is "soona." So I hope I see you soona rather that later.
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