We've been a bit busy the past few weeks, and, with the macmini down, we are limited in internet access. I bring the eMac home from the office on the weekends, but we've been so busy on weekends that we haven't had a chance to post much! The macmini goes into the shop tomorrow and I hope it returns home soon; I don't think it's a particularly good idea to drag the eMac around, it being such an ancient machine (10.3.9, 1.25 GHz Power PC G4, only 256 MB DDR SDRAM).
The parish mid-year meeting was held a couple Sundays ago (I know; September is later than mid-year, but everyone was waiting for us to return). We elected delegates for Diocesan Convention and received an update on the Remodeling Project (we're still raising funds, but it's coming along). The meeting was part of a bilingual Eucharist.
Lisa leads La Gloria Típica

Mr. Keith Green, Senior Warden, chairs the meeting.

Maria, Rachel, and Ula

Sarah and Sylvia

The Lovely Mona is teaching flute at the school. Sometimes students appear, and at other times they are no where to be found! She was sitting in the room waiting for her students and decided to go find them. She found the entire secondary school in the gym watching a school production of The Wizard of Oz. Here are some photos.
Follow the Yellow Brick Road!

The Audience

You've had the power to return home all along

Back home in
Kansas Panamá!

Saturday the Diocese of Panamá held una Convención Extraordinario to discuss the coming financial crisis. During TEC's General Convention, it was decided to cut the funds given to the various Covenant Groups, such as IARCA, Iglesia Anglicana de Mexico, Igreja Episcopal Anglicana do Brasil, etc,, by some 26% over the next three years. I know that the original agreement for IARCA involved a decrease in funds over a period of 40 years, but now things have changed and been accelerated. The funds from TEC make up some 70% of the Diocesan Budget for Panamá, with some 30% from local funds. We will be using that 30% for our budget now and the 70% will go into the Autonomy Fund. There will be some serious cuts throughout the diocese. At this moment, St. Christopher's is the only church which does not receive any money from the Diocese. I hope that other churches will now become self-supporting. All in all, it was actually a very positive meeting. And we finished the Convention con la Santa Eucaristía en Capilla de San Marcos. Also, please pray for Bishop Murray; he left for Honduras this morning, and, naturally, I'm worried for his safety.
The Rt. Rev. Julio E. Murray Thompson addresses the Convention

The Diocese in Convention

San Cristóbal delegation listens

La Capílla de San Marcos. One of the more interesting structures in the diocese.

We had some special music Sunday morning. A trio of women from the Choir sang an anthem for the gradual, and the Lovely Mona played
Menuetto by Wagner. She was marvelous, of course! The Carters, Claudio and Francella, celebrated their 62nd wedding anniversary with a special blessing. Their children donated the flowers for the altar.
Flowers at the altar
The Trio: Nora Johnson, Lineth Edwards, and Mercedes Snape

Mr. and Mrs. Carter

The Lovely Mona

In the evening we attended a program at Instituto Episcopal San Cristóbal honoring past presidents of the Episcopal Church Women. The honorees were: Mrs. Lena Thomas, Mrs. Ellen Chandler, Mrs. Shirley Austin, Mrs. Sybil Josiah, Mrs. Mariela Edwards, and Mrs. Daisy Scantlebury. These Sunday afternoon programs are very nice; a presentation is made with a short biography, Bishop Murray gives each honoree a gift and a pin of the Seal of the Diocese, and family and friends come up and say a few words and present "a small token." Then the honoree gives a response. Mr. Walter Smith, Jr., performed two pieces, and Ms. Adela Owens performed a tap dance and a modern ballet piece. It was a lovely evening.
The Honorees: (from left to right) Mariela Edwards, Sybil Josiah, Shirley Austin, Ellen Chandler, Lena Thomas, Daisy Scantlebury.

The Rev. Glenda McQueen gave the invocation

Eunice Vassal, present President of Las Damas Episcopales

Walter Smith, Jr. at the keyboard

Ms. Adela Owens

Lena Thomas and Bishop Murray

Ellen Chandler and Bishop Murray

Shirley Austin and Bishop Murray

Sybil Josiah and Bishop Murray

Mariela Edwards and Bishop Murray

Daisy Scantlebury and Bishop Murray

Next week the youth group of San Cristóbal is putting on a musical program, so you know we'll have even more photos!