The church was packed for the 10:30 Misa en Español. Sunday past. Padre Cáceres has started a First Communion class which will run through November, and there are some fifty kids signed up. Classes take place after the Misa, and the kids and their parents all have to attend the services, so the place will be packed for several months. The students are encouraged to try all the different ministry opportunities such as choir, acolytes, ushers, and altar guild. Last Sunday I guess they all decided to be in the choir, which was a big surprise for the Lovely Mona.
We also welcomed Darlene and her brother Darrell into the Family of Christ through the sacrament of Holy Baptism. Darlene did not like it when I splashed water on her head, but Darrell, who had been sleeping, opened his eyes while Padre Cáceres splashed him and then went right back to sleep!
To add to all the fun, the students of Grade 2 of Instituto Episcopal San Cristóbal and their parents all attended service, too. The Second graders gave a short presentation before the Offertory, including a short play. The kid playing Jesus was so quiet, even with the microphone, that I have no idea what he said. Then they all sang "Dios es Amor, la Bíblia lo Dice," along with all necessary hand gestures.
The kids all come up for a blessing before Communion is distributed. I like to get at eye level with them when I give them their blessing.
So, a very nice, lively Misa, all in all!
Yes it was...nothing like going eyeball to eyeball with the officiating priest...once I scared
Oh, Padre, I know it's hard on you and The Lovely Mona being away from your family, but these folks are your people! What a crowd! They are serious Christians!!
Thanks yet again for a little glimpse of the Kingdom of Heaven in flesh and blood reality. So beautiful and inspiring!
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