Here's Whatsit!
When Mona and I were in Costa Rica in May of this year, we saw this product in the Super Mercado in San Vito. We thought it was hilarious. Today I saw this stuff at the El Rey in Chanis, and I just had to buy it and share it with you. This isn't a photoshop job or an ad; I took this photo a few minutes ago. Wouldn't it have been interesting to be in the meeting where they decided on this name? Well, I guess that the Terrorists have won.
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Speaking of photos...last night at my First, yet annual, Christmas extravaganza in support of the local FREE learning Center/Library/Computerlearner held in my sala a wonderous ex-Benadicitine Nun took pictures of the Shalom Cross dedicated to the election of ++Katharine Jefferts Schori of Primate of TEC (but being sent via bandito truckers to Panama hopefully soon...still trying to figure out the caper)...anyhow, I should have a picture for you maybe TODAY as she's going to either put the pictures on a disc or download them into whatever one downloads them into...I need the computer center verdad?
Happy Everything!
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