We'll be taking BART to SFO, a Super-fast Jet Plane(!) to Phoenix, then to Newark. Then a train to Boston. Then the T to Logan International, where, once again, we will board a Super-fast Jet Plane (!) to SFO, where we will catch BART again to Oakland, walking to Stately Grover-Roybal Mansion.
SO, very little blogging as we travel about, but perhaps some blogging from Newark and Boston, who knows? We will have photos once we return to the City of My Birth.
For those of you who never leave home, our means of transportation are illustrated below:
Lotsa Walking


Super-fast Jet Plane(!)

Train to Boston

The T

There is always this option which combines the comfort of modern air travel with the old-fashioned luxury of the Age of the Railroad

nicked from www.joe-ks.com
And a BIG THANK YOU to all who contributed to the Fly-Dem-Dresbach-Peoples-To-Newark fund!
All the best wishes for your travels!
Did you ever get to the Dr.?
Safe travel! Amish Airlines looks like a trip!
And I get to show you around New Brunswick, NJ YAY
You are most welcome, I only regret that I myself could not get there due to things like that pesky job and having a kid and all that. Sigh.
Looks like you all had a FAB time!!!
OK, faddah, we wuz cool wit da travel day; only fair. But dere are reports, wit pitchas, indicatin' dat youse been partying, an' we ain't gettin' no reports back or pitchas here. Wut's wit dat?
Woid verifithingy: dedli. I trust that presages nothing.
Yeah whut dat Paul sed.
Me, I have been in Canada. Miss Maya, she is talking real loud now that I am back. She is also trying to eat my food.
Hope youse had funs!
Word verif: kerud.
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