Photo nicked from www.bartcop.com
Wait a minute; I was a Youth In Asia! Watch out, Gramma!
Rantings and Ravings and the Occasional Sane Comment of a priest blogging from the Global Center. I have a camera and I'm not afraid to use it! Now with Lovely Mona!!
Where did you find that?
What morans, as the saying goes!!
Anyway, Padre, please stay away from all elderly patients, Please!
Plug pulling Padre you!!!
Holy Guacamole, Padre!
I was a youth in Polynesia, does that count?
Ten- get off the bandwagon and go back to your other socialist activities. Youth in Polynesia ain't got nuthin' on Youth in Asia!
My word is "crize" - as in "I crized and crized when I learned that Padre was a youth in Asia."
This is why we're fighting them over there, so they don't come over here and pull grandma's plug.
To quote an old SNL character played by Gilda Radner: "Whatv are all those kids doing over there in China any way?"
This can't be for real, can it? Oy veh.
OT: what's with the ISP identifier at the bottom of the page? Do you see it or just me? It's creepy (TMI).
Yes, I see it, Caminante; I put it there. It's a warning for Certain People.
you guys have missed the point. these are actually SUPPORTERS of reform making fun (a la gilda radner) of the mouth breathers.
this is one of several shots taken at a rally that had some damned funny signs mocking the REAL morans.
What does it mean?
Thanks, LiberalDemDave!
I wondered if this was a joke, but it doesn't change the fact that lottsa Republicans DO believe it!
So, gimme a link of the other signs; I'd love to see them.
I'm warning Mimi about you, Padre.
I, too was a youth in Asia (Taiwan) for a couple of years. I never killed anyone's grandma that I know of.
I hate to be critical, but for maximum shock effect the signs should have Youth In Asia Will words rather small and green, and then KILL YOUR GRANDMA!!!!! words should be huge, red, and followed by many,many exclamation points. Just sayin'.
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