The service started late, as usual. The Praise Dance Group of Parroquia San Cristóbal, danced to "Levanto Mis Manos" for the gradual, con Padre Mickey on la guitarra. There was a reception afterwards, and we didn't get home until almost 10:30 pm! Then I had to get up early as I had a funeral this morning. I didn't attend el Sínido this morning because I had a funeral and then had to work on the bulletin for la Misa en Sábado. But I will be there tomorrow for the election of the new Primado, and then the matanza en la Instituto Episcopal San José en La Chorrera. I should have many interesting fótos mañana.
Antes la Misa
La Procesión
Calle de Honor
Primado Martín predicando
La Paz
Arriba los Corazones
Procesión de los dones
Un Brindis. Padre Mickey con Oscar
all photos and film by the Lovely Mona
Tremble, tremble, tremble...looking to tomorrow (are you certain the canons can´t be changed for a third term? Afterall, that conealone fella pulled it off).
Lord have mercy,
Leonardo Ricardo
Prayers for the guidance of the Holy Spirit in the election of the new Primado.
I've been on pins and needles all week over this... yet I sense a fait accompli.
I like the four ladies with the spangles. Are different parishes developing their own uniforms?
Can´t we have a little live blogging by the man with the lively guitar?
Yesterday I went to our Capitol City for a pre-op appointment...I was met by a very close and supportive friend and former longtime Episcopalian who is a member of one of the ¨well-known¨ families here...when she heard of the rumored ¨front runner¨ for Primate she said ¨get out of there fast and become a Buddhist¨...I wonder if the Synod realizes the full background of all the candidates?
OK, we need a Primates Meeting, to which su Gracia ++Martin is not invited, to consider throwing you lot out for liturgical dance! That is a definite communion breaker.
Prayers for your synod as you do the work of your church. Prayers for the election. (I am not sure how to interpret Caminante's or Leo's comments. But I can tell you first hand about corrupt bishops!)
Caminante, are you there or at home in the US?
BTW, je je je je, you have given ++Juliro a sex change!
Padre, good thing that MadPriest is on vacation and away from his computer, or you'd hear a word or two about the praise dance - perhaps with pictures and captions.
Alas, but not quite alas, I am in Connecticut, ready to attend the consecration of Ian Douglas tomorrow.
Let's just say that Bishop Guerra supports the Windsor Report and much that flows from it and thought that TEC's 2006 vote on B033 was an absolute ban on LGBT elections... as it should be.
And given how dear Bishop Barahona is to me, it is hard to think of him no longer being Primado because he was such a fantastic voice of inclusion.
For you who are whining about liturgical dance, just remember: this wasn't proper liturgical dance as it wasn't performed by middle-aged nuns flitting about in gauze.
Padre, I'm not whining. I simply passed on a bit of helpful information. You know me - I'm always wanting to help. :-)
I was referring to a Certain Guy in Southern North America.
Let's just say that Bishop Guerra supports the Windsor Report and much that flows from it and thought that TEC's 2006 vote on B033 was an absolute ban on LGBT elections... as it should be.
There is so much, much, more and I´m speechless that this prime example of social resentment and beyond resentment has been elected. What a mess.
Let's wait and see what happens before we get all worked up. I don't think the Primado of IARCA has any more power than the Primada of TEC or the Primado of ACC.
Let's wait a bit and see what happens.
Padre, you live in Southern North America. I live in Central North America. North America, as a continent, goes all the way to Columbia, which is in Northern South America, regardless of what the MadPriest says!
And if it was done during the liturgy proper, then it was proper liturgical dance.
I do hope that you lot can maintain your centrist position with the new Primado. What will be bad is if he starts spouting off like an Orthodite and going to GAFCON shindigs!
What did Bishop Guerra say during his acceptance speech?
Let´s not pretend there is quality where there is none (and let´s watch our purses and wallets).
THE FACTS ABOUT THE SNAKE IN THE GRASS (who had been fully consulted and NOT ¨surprised¨ at all)
¨It was a truly disagreeable surprise for the Episcopal Church of Guatemala to learn through the magazine ANGLICANOS and from information found in the pages of Internet Anglicans, that the Primate of IARCA, the Most Revd Martin Barahona, participated in the ceremony of consecration of Bishop Gene Robinson, thus fixing the position of the Province concerning matters that have not been properly meditated, discussed and approved by the Central American Region of which Guatemala forms a part. We consider that this action does not reflect a complete opinion of the Anglican Church in Central America and in particular, the Episcopal Church of Guatemala.
Therefore, by virtue of the previously mentioned facts, the Episcopal Church of Guatemala respectfully, but firmly and solemnly declares that:
She maintains the fervent conviction to uphold the ecclesiastic unity of the Iglesia Anglicana de la Región Central de América The Episcopal Church of Guatemala hereby disassociates herself from the action of the Primate of IARCA, specifically in his participation in the consecration of Gene Robinson, recognizing that such a wanton act willfully causes a certain degree of IMPAIRMENT within IARCA There exists among the Bishops, Provincial Council and the Anglican Church de la Iglesia Anglicana de la Region Central de America in general, necessity to pronounce authoritatively on the subject, (the participation and its implications) and to take the corresponding corrective measures Guatemala, January 19, in the year of Our Lord, 2004.
The Revd Roberto Armas
President, Diocesan Council
Prof Nora de Zea
President, Commission on Ministry
The Ven Lucas Choc
Archdeacon, Western Region
The Ven Obdulio Pineda
Archdeacon Northeastern Region
The Rt Revd Armando Guerra
Diocesan Bishop
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