Just before the Eighth Sacrament of the Episcopal Church (Coffee Hour), we blessed our new Parish Hall. We plan to do a big ol' ribbon-cutting thang in July when the Bishop is here for his Episcopal Visitation, but we just received the final permiso on Friday, which means we can use the place, so I decided it was time to splash some water around.
Sunday was also Día Etnia Negra (Black Ethnicity Day) en Panamá, so some folks were dressed in African-inspired clothing. Here are photos of folks at Coffee Hour.
We also had a Basket Raffle as a fund raiser for the new Parish Hall. $1.00 tickets were sold and one had the opportunity to win one of three baskets: Canasta Basica, which is a basket of all kinds of food; Canasta de Dulces, which is a basket of sweets such as cakes, cookies, and candies; and a Basket of Spirits, mostly wine. As you can see, the baskets were quite large and worth way more than a dollah! Members of the various guilds donate the items for the baskets.
Since we are across the street from Instituto Episcopal San Cristóbal, and since our Assistant Rector, Revdo. Canonigo Luis Cáceres is chaplain at the school, we invite each class and their parents to worship with us on certain Sundays. We will have families of the school visiting every other Sunday through to August. Yesterday was the start, and the Pre-Kinder students and their parents worshipped with us. After the Peace and just before the Offertory, the lil' darlings recited a Bible verse and sang a song (with hand motions, of course!) and were very very cute and everyone had to come forward and take photos with their cameras and cell phones.
They all came up to the altar rail at Communion and received a blessing.
The band played Arriba los Corazones after Communion, and we had so much bump that the little girls were dancing in the aisle. They were waving their skirts and swaying, just like Típico dancers.
All in all a very nice Sunday!
Wish I could have caught that sermon Padre. Would have loved to hear it!
Yes, I was hoping you'd publish the sermon, too! It sounds very thorough.... and I always wanted to know what noetists are and Why They are Wrong.
Congratulations on your new parish hall!
Lookin' good, Padre...the hall, the outfits, the smiles on everbuddy's face, la danza! Dos Jesus Pennycostals are gonna get jealous!
Then I woke everyone up and we said the Nicene Creed.
LOL . . . Nice.
It looks like it was a great day at San Cristobal.
Blessings to you and your congregation.
I didn't really give such a sermon; it was all a set-up for the line Rev. Ref+ enjoyed.
I did mentioned Arius, though.
Hey, Padre, I'm a patripasionista. If you didn't really denounce me I feel left out. You may include me in the camp with Moltmann (so much less Greek and more biblical). Great day at St Cristobal!
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