Maundy Thursday
We did all the stuff everyone else does: feet washing, Holy Communion (we used matzohs), placing the Reserved Sacrament in the Garden of Repose, and the stripping of the altar. Everyone left in silence.
Good Friday
We began the Service of Three Hours with the Stations of the Cross. Then we used the Good Friday service from the Book of Common Prayer. Guillermo Johnson and I chanted the Passion from the Gospel of John. We sang hymns, we had meditations, and we clocked in at just ten minutes over three hours.
Singing the Passion According To St. John
The Great Vigil of Easter
We lit the new Paschal Fire, we entered the church following the Pascal Candle. Since Padre Cáceres was helping out in Bocas del Toro, I provided all duties required of clergy, including those deaconal duties such as carrying the Pascal Candle and singing "La Luz de Cristo" thrice and singing the Exsultet. We welcomed little Moisés Brown into the Family of God through baptism. We decorated the church for Easter in the dark and then, with the announcement of "Alleluia! Christ is risen!" the lights came on and we welcomed the Resurrection, ringing bells during the Gloria and any time we said alleluia.
Moisés' baptism
Alleluia! Christ is Risen!
Easter Sunday Morning
Six am the next morning we had our Sunrise Service in English and La Misa de Pascua de Resurreción a las 9:00 am. Between services we all enjoyed Bun and Cheese, like ya do. After the misa en español we had an Easter Egg Hunt. Then we all went across the street to Instituto Episcopal San Cristóbal for the ECW Easter Brunch. A wonderful time was had by all!
Bun and cheese!
Hillary sings the Gloria
Evan recites a poem
Easter Egg Hunt
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