Thursday, March 20, 2008

Monday at the Hogar

The girl’s at he Hogar started school last week. You can see pictures of their first day on Tia Sue’s blog found at the side bar. Sinilda and Estefani wanted to read and asked for books. They like sitting with me so they can have all my books in front of them and in their laps. I read to Avelia for a while, then read to Carla. Avelia really, really wanted to color and kept asking me when she could. As you can see below, she loves to color and is deeply focused on it.

Sinilda and Estefani being camera shy.


Here's Avelia. She loves coloring.

1 comment:

Fran said...

Ah that great gift- a post by the Lovely Mona. Happy Anniversary LM and a blessed Triduum as well.

These photos are great - I love the looks on their faces, the intensity of the coloring.

Beautiful, beautiful indeed.

Floridas Pascuas!

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