Sunday, June 24, 2007

This Morning at Paroquia San Cristóbal and We're Off!

This morning the Third Grade class of Instituto Episcopal San Cristóbal and their parents attended la Misa a las 10:30a.m. Needless to say, it was a very noisy service! Right after the Peace yet before the Eucharist, the entire class came up to sing some songs. It was very cute, but I was worried for the safety of my bass guitar. Ricardo Staples kept moving it and moving it and more children would appear so he'd move it again! Here's a photo of all the kids singing.

Everyone of those children, plus their siblings, came up for blessings during Communion. These are photos of Padre Cáceres and I blessing all the little children.

The Lovely Mona, Señorita Chompita Wiggletail and I are loading up the car and heading to the beach for about twelve days. We are going to visit the beach pictured below, but that's not where we'll be the entire time.
The comments will be turned off.
We won't have internet access, which is good and bad. It's good and bad because I won't know what terrible things are going on in the WWAC while I'm away, which is good, and it's bad because I won't be able to assemble the Dance Party Players of Friday Red Mr. Peanut Bank and Gallito Mescalito Blogging to mock them. It's also bad because I won't be able to post on Irenaeus' feast day, but, actually, that may be good for all of you. Oh well, next year!

¡Hasta luego!

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