Wesley Scott and Padre Nelson had recently found the old church bell, so they had it restored and built a stand for it just outside the door. Since Bishop Murray was presiding, we had him bless the bell. Since we had no acolytes, I filled in as thurifer and acolyte. I realize that some of our Altar Guild and Sacristy-rat readers may be troubled by the fact that the frontals and the Bishop's stole are green while Padre y yo are wearing red stoles. Well, we didn't have enough red stoles or green stoles, and since Padre was using the propers for the Twenty-first Sunday of Pentecost instead of the propers for the Feast of Sts. Simon and Jude, the Altar Guild used green. The Bishop and his priests discussed the matter, and decided to go with the Christmasy colour scheme you see here.
The Bishop handed out certificates to Mr. Luther Atkinson and Mr. Wesley Scott for all their work for St. Simon's.
After the Mass we had a lovely dinner of tossed green salad, chicken pot pie, french bread, coconut tart, cocobread, chicha, and helados.
Photos by the Lovely Mona:
Front of San Simón
New Walkway
The Bell
The Chancel
Mr. Greaves, organist
Thelma and Homer Welsh
Los clérigos
The Congregation
Blessing the bell
Ringing the bell
Obispo Murray y Padre Edwards
Incense time
Mr. Luther Atkinson receives a certificate
Mr. Wesley Scott receives a certificate
The spread
Que me in here Padre. Is this an expat community? Just curious.
Makes me hungry (and happy)...thanks, Leonardo
No, these are Panamanians. The majority of Anglicans in Panama (and Central America) are of West Indian heritage.
Are they Spanish-speaking?
I have visited the Anglican Diocese of Amazonas and met several Anglicans whose families were originally from Barbados. They have British names but are all Portuguese speakers.
At the parish where I worship in Massachusetts we have several people of Barbadian ancestry as well. One of them told me about an aunt who had gone away to work in Brazil and was never heard from again.
Mary-Cauliflower, everyone here speaks Spanish, but many congregations prefer to worship in English. St. Simon's is an English-speaking parish.
St. Christopher's is a bilingual parish, with services in English, Spanish, and bilingual services for high feasts and special occasions.
The service this Sunday will be bilingual, in honor of All Saints (Todos los Santos).
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