Monday, May 19, 2008

Ayer en Parroquia Episcopal San Cristóbal

We're at the point in the school year when we invite the students and parents of Instituto Episcopal San Cristóbal to our Misa en Español. Yesterday we had the pequeños, the "pre-kinder" class. They sang a song at the Offertory, much to the delight of their parents, who were all in the front row with their cameras. Not be outdone, the Lovely Mona left her place in the Choir and snapped a few for the blog. As one might expect, the song involved movement and hand motions.

Little Evan (with the help of his madre, Karin) brought up the bread for Communion, along with his classmates who brought the rest of the gifts.

All the little ones came up for blessings at Communion. The Lovely Mona loves to photograph Los Padres blessing the likkel chilrens.

This little guy burst into tears while receiving his blessing. Either he was frightened by the hairy-faced padre, or (and I now channel the Global South perspective) he was full of devils, who were terrified that they would be cast out when touched by my holy hands. Yeah, that's the ticket!

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