Last night the Lovely Mona and I attended Martha's Eighth Annual Festival Etnia Negra Panameño: Celebración de la Comunidad Afro Descendiente Panameña held at the Paradise Banquet Hall downtown. This year the celebration is dedicated in recognition of Panamanian Women of African Descent. The Lovely Mona and I really enjoy this celebration, especially the lovely African-style clothing worn by most folks attending. As in the past, the program had lots of dancing. The Speaker was Profesora Grace Ann Maynard de Clark, who spoke on "Edificando Puentes (Building Bridges). She is a very inspirational and charismatic speaker; she really worked up the crowd! The priest who was to perform the Invocation didn't show, so I was given the honor. My colleague and predesessor at San Cristóbal, the Rev. Canon Dennis Josiah, gave the Benediction, so San Cristóbal clergy opened and closed the program! The food was great, too: coco rice with peas, Pescado de escoviche, pollo al curry, ensaldas de papas y repollo, platano, and green banana dumplins, great stuff!
We've had many visitors over the past week looking for Día Etnica Negra photos, so here are some from this year's celebration.
African-style clothing
Ms. Crystal Thomas. She is a member of our Youth Group and was one of the M.C.s for the evening. She did an excellent job, especially translating texts from Español to English and explaining the dances for the visiting Architecture students from Virginia.
The Rev. Canon Dennis Josiah
Ricky Staple (World Famous Drummer)
Patricia and Yolanda
Martha Fairclough Olton, our Hostess
Mrs. Barbara Smith and Crystal Thomas, co-M.C.s (Barbara did a great job, too!)
Padre giving the Invocation
Profesora Grace Maynard de Clark
Afro-Panamanian Folklore Dancers from Instituto Episcopal San Cristóbal
Yvette Weir-Gladstone and Gabrielle Gladstone Celebration Dance
Calypso by Lord Sugar (or as it is correctly pronounced Lawd Shugah). Here the Beachers are helping him set-up.
Lord Sugar sang some of my favorite songs: Rum, Neighbor, Neighbor, and My Commanding Wife
St. Vincent Quadrille Group (Quadrille is the West Indian version of Square Dancing but they sure dress better than U.S. square dancers!)
Vincente Afro Dancing Company. I'll be honest: I have my doubts about the authenticity of this dance. It reminded me of the kind of dancing Africans do on the kind of movies which appear on Mystery Science Theatre 3000, if you know what I mean and I think you do. However, it was entertaining!
Kabir, one heck of an R&B and Soul singer. He was great! Everybody including Padre and the Lovely Mona, were singing along.
Kabir's fans react!
Martha Olton receiving an award from the Panamanian Consulate in New York City.
Martha responds to her award
The Rev. Canon Josiah speaking before the Benediction
What lovely pictures, and a wealth of folks of different generations.
I tend to agree with you about the feathered dancers. I know what you mean. :-)
You have more fun in's almost sinful how much fun you all have...good!
Leonardo Ricardo
I am very moved by the way you love life and all the varied people in around you Padre.
This is a gorgeous post and exemplifies the spirit of Padre Mickey quite uniquely.
God bless you all.
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