P.S. I give thanks to God and to your godly Bishop Damas, your worthy presbyters Bassus and Apollonius and the deacon Zotion, and for the Church which is Magnesia on the Maeander for your faithful witness, but most of all for the little blue bottle of milk which you presented me to relieve my distress. It calmed my stomach, ceased the rumblings from deep with in me, and ended the Fearful Case of the Trots, which had convinced me that I would meet our Blessed Lord long before the beasts of the arena in Rome would have their opportunity. However, the texture is somewhat chalky, and the flavour of this milk was much worse than if it had been left out in the sun for two days; it was all I could do to keep it down. The Lord has called me to suffer for the faith and end of appendix has been lost.

I am sure that the lost ending is sitting on top of the Appendix Pep talk to the Bismolians!
Just as bad as the pink stuff!
¡Excelente, David!
I trust you are not needing said product right now?
word: zatojoy
The joy when die trots are gone.
Padre, you must never have used Milk of Magnesia. The stuff in the blue bottle gives you the trots.
Of course, I could be wrong, but I believe I am not.
Dah-veed stole my line. But I think those were twin cities. The Peptolians were right across the river from the Bismolians.
If it is his appendix Milk of Magnesia won't help much. He should really see his doctor straight away.
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