In a consumer society it is a blessing to read blogs where the writer’s main focus is God. Where they express their love for their faith so visibly and joyfully. In a cynical world it is refreshing to see so many blogs which are generous, giving, who care about others and demonstrate what being a Christian is about, loving God and loving our neighbor. Through their faith, lives and spirituality, they bring God to us, they in essence make God visible, “God with us.” This Award goes to all the faith filled blogs who make evident ‘Emmanuel’- God with us, with Joy in their hearts. Please share this Award with Christian blogs that focus on the real meaning of Christmas, the birth of our Savior. Peace, JOY & Merry Christmas
Eileen the Episcopalifem
I must say that I am quite touched by this award, as I certainly don't believe I deserve it. Eileen also nominated Wormwood’s Doxy, so I feel that I am in great company: Eileen and Doxy.
I read many many blogs everyday, both in the Episcopal blogosphere and in the political blogosphere. I read almost everyone on my blogroll at least once a week, and most every day. So, choosing two blogs to nominate is extremely difficult. This is worse than tagging! I wanna nominate everybody!! If Leonardo Ricardo had a blog, I would nominate him in a second. But, since he doesn't, I will choose two people whose blogs I read every day and who are just as passionate about things as Leonardo.
Caminante, No Hay Camino is a great blog, passionate and well reasoned. I love her photos and the sermons she posts, as well as her Friday Cat Blogging. Caminante is passionate about her faith and about justice and she inspires me.
Byzigenous Buddhapalian
Faddah Paul posts lovely photos and paintings and poems and prayers rants about politics and the sacraments. He holds nothing back, and that’s what I like. Another source of inspiration.
Man, all the episcopal blogs on my blogroll are sources of inspiration and I nominate everyone of you in my heart.
Padrecito, no soy digno. I give thanks that God is the fixed point around which all I am and all I experience dances, though that may be far from obvious when folks catch me in my rants.
Excellent Choices Padre!
And I know what you mean..in essence, I wanted to nominate my whole blogroll too!
But, this way, you are leaving choices for Paul and Lee!
Difficult choices too. I nominated Tobias and, of course, Mimi.
Ooh, good choices. I didn't even try, when it came to me.
I'm off the tubes for a couple of days and look what I have missed.
Good for you Padre and such excellent choices for your bestowing. BB has become my favorite new blog of late and the others are quite wonderful as well.
Just like you.
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