Today we celebrated "Harvest Thanksgiving" at San Cristóbal. We had a single bilingual service with combined choirs. We had a little excitement during the sermon when Mrs. Doyle had a slight stroke or something, but I just talked to her son and she is at home resting and doing well. You know, I don't remember hearing anything in seminary about what to do in such situations. Mrs. Doyle sits in the front row, and one of the acolytes noticed that she was having trouble and ran down to help her. Suddenly several people trained in CPR appeared at her side. Of course, this distracted from the sermon, and just I told the congregation that folks were handling the situation and then I said a word of prayer for Mrs. Doyle and those caring for her at that moment. I switched from español to english as I think in english and continued to calm the congregation. As soon as I noticed that Mrs. Doyle was responding to the care I told the congregation and we said a prayer of thanksgiving. I decided the sermon was over, and as Mrs. Doyle was wheeled to the door of the church for the paramedics, we continued with the Nicene Creed. Like I said, I don't remember a class on what to do in such situations in seminary. A few Easters ago we had a dear member of the congregation die of a heart attack during the Eucharist. I'm glad that didn't happen today!
Since it is Harvest Thanksgiving, the Altar Guild decorated the altar and chancel with fresh fruits and vegetables, which are distributed to the poor and to the Hogar de Niñas after the service. We also had the UTO second ingathering today, so there was a lot of blue and white in the church.
After church we went across the street to the patio of Instituto Episcopal San Cristóbal and had our parish Thanksgiving Luncheon. I spent yesterday preparing one of the six turkeys provided for the meal. We had a wonderful time. So, here are the photos of today's (and yesterday's preparations for today's) activities.

Fruits and vegetables awaiting the Altar Guild

Members of the ECW preparing UTO decorations

A basket

Patio at IESC ready for the next day's luncheon
The Altar and chancel

The Procession (lots of smoke!)

Angie leading Gloria Típico

Profesora Priscilla McQueen leading a song as others are ready to serve lunch

Folks waiting for lunch (we served all the
Tecer Edad or Senior Citizens)
Serving line

Padre eyes the turkey
Lots of people enjoying lunch

Musician's table with Ricky Staple and Bernie Murray

Sisters Adica Moore and Olga Morris

Mrs. Barrow and Mrs. Kelley
Lots of Happy People!

What a wonderful lot of pictures. Tia Sue
Another celebration. Why am I not surprised?
Beautiful people and beautiful pictures.
Prayers for Mrs. Doyle.
As Mimi says, Prayers for Mrs. Doyle, and I think you did the right thing during the emergency! Sermons should go by the wayside when something like that occurs. And how better to proceed than with the Creed. Especially since Mrs. Doyle was responding to care.
And Yes, they should have a class on how to take care of a situation like that! But of course no one expects things like that to happen. I remember that one time Howie Browne fell going up to the rail for communion. There were folks to help him immediately, but being in the back of the Church and just being able to watch and stay out of the way was very discombobulating.
Glad to know Mrs Doyle is doing better. Did I meet her?
Otherwise, I'd say that you smote her with your words, Padre.
Blessings of healing strength and peace of mind for OUR dear Mrs. Doyle...
Leonardo Ricardo (still North of the borders)
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