The Lovely Mona and I went to Avenida Central today. It is a very lively place most of the time, but at this time of year there are lots of stalls selling all kindsa stuff, plus lots of food. It is a Promenade, so one doesn't have to dodge cars, except at those spots where cars cross the avenida. We were down there as I needed some walking shoes and I only like to purchase shoes from Aurora onna counna they are
freakin' cheap quite inexpensive, yet of decent quality. I found a good pair of walking shoes for just under $20.00, and the Lovely Mona found some shoes which met her needs, too. I took photos of the Avenida, and tried to take some photos inside the Machetazo, cuz it is Quite A Store, but the guard told me I couldn't take any photos (although he never told me why, even though I asked three times).
Here are photos of Avenida Central
As always, click on photo to embiggenI'm just standing in the middle of the street, shooting to the left and then right.

A fountain

Fruits and veggies

Feng Shui store

Aguacates (avocados)

This is the stuff some people use for New Years; I have no idea how it works.

KNOW I bought this bag!

Street scenes

Pigeons sitting

An Interesting sign

Hey! Wanna buy a watch?

Great prices!


Interesting façade


Cane juicer. The Lovely Mona purchased two bottles of freshly "squeezed" cane juice.

On the way home the traffic was very slow in Panamá Viejo, the original Panama City established by the Spaniards Way Back When. The traffic wasn't moving very fast at all, and I snapped a couple of shots of the ruins while sitting there.

This is the
Super 99 supermercado near our house. I like the cow on top of the sign. The present President of Panamá, Ricardo Martinelli, owns the Super 99's, the Mega Depots, and some other stuff. I don't shop at any of his stores, not so much as a political statement, but because they don't carry stuff I want.