Thursday, November 29, 2007

Feed People . . .

With your big-ass vocabulary!

Check this out! I'm too lazy to find out how this works, but I know that the members of the Dance Party all have enormous vocabularies. This is a fun test but it goes on forever. But as long as you give the correct answer you donate rice to hungry people. Git yer big-ass vocabularies over there RIGHT NOW!


June Butler said...

Padre, I did it already, and I gave hungry folks a lot of rice, I'm proud to say. Shall I do it again?

Caminante said...

I quit at 1000 grains of rice.

Paul said...

It bloody goes on forever. It's late and I am going to bed. I lost count but did fairly well. It certainly proved that there are lacunae in my vocabulary! Those Latin, Greek, and French courses helped.

susan s. said...

Only 6120 grains, but what's a girl to do?

Yes Paul, they do go on forever, but I think it goes around and least I saw the same words at least twice.

Padre Mickey said...

I donated over 7000 grains last night, but I saw lots of repetition.
Well, back to this evening's episode of the bank and bird!

I See You!

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