Usually we know who the Father of the Year is but the ECW kept it secret until the last moment. And St. Christopher's Father of the Year for 2008 is: Me!
Boy, was I suprised! I received a lovely plaque, and a gift from the ECW, a gift from the Sunday School, a gift from the Vestry, and a gift from Mona and the Girls. Padre Cáceres and our Sexton, Mr. Hudson, also received gifts from the ECW. And las niñas recited poems.
Then, in the traditional St. Christopher's manner, we all adjourned to the patio for a breakfast of sandwiches, empanadas de bacalao (codfish pastries), fruit, and cake.
It was a very nice Sunday!
I'm not too sure as to what my duties are as Father of the Year, so I have decided to call everyone in the church every night to make sure that everyone is in bed by 10:00 p.m. and have finished their homework. And if you think you're going to the Mall dressed like that, young lady, you have another think coming! And who do you think is going to wash those dishes, young man; the Angel of the Lord? Get in that kitchen right now!!! And don't talk back or I'll . . . .
The photos.
ECW members preparing breakfast before the service
The Procession
Peter and Angie lead la Gloria Típica
Coro de Jóvenes, under the direction of the Lovely Mona photos by Luis Cáceres, Hijo
Fathers coming for Holy Communion
Accompanied by Ms. Violet Seale and Ms. Clara Edwards, Padre is escorted to the lecturn
Padre receives a plaque from Mrs. Barbara Smith, President of the ECW
Las Niñas
Un besito
Padre Cáceres
Mr. Hudson
Mr. Percival Thomas, Organist
At Breakfast
Padre Cáceres y Hijo
The Ladies
Los Hombres
Congratulations to the Father of the Year.
Congratulations, Padre Mickey! I can think of no one more deserving. And aren't you a father to all us heretics and reprobates here on the intertubes? Above and beyond all the way.
Happy Fathers Day....Happy Winner of Father of the Year...when are the Person of The Year elections...I'll vote for you (even though it's a secret ballet and I'll not tell anyone including me).
Hip Hip Horray!
Leonardo Ricardo Quackendorf
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