Sunday, November 16, 2008

Ayer En Parroquia Episcopal San Cristóbal

Yesterday we had the practice for the Bishop's visit. Padre Cáceres and I talked with the confirmands about what would be happening and also prepared the First Communion group. We've never had a "First Communion" at San Cristóbal, but several parents at Instituto Episcopal San Cristóbal really, really, really wanted a FC, so we decided to use this as an opportunity to help the Sunday School grow. The kids who are having their first communion will participate in Sunday School up to the point when they are ready for Confirmation.

In these photos we were waiting for the rest of the group to appear. Once everyone was there and practice started I was too busy to remember to take photos!

I think we have some serious cootie avoidance taking place in the front pew.

The lady in the yellow blouse is Mrs. Evelyn Jordan, who came and talked with me about Confirmation back in March of this year. We have been meeting on Thursdays to prepare her for Confirmation. She told me a beautiful story of a dream she had of Jesus talking with her and asking her to return to Church and be confirmed.

1 comment:

Leonard said...

Nice...very nice.

I had a dream too...God told me to ¨tone it down¨...I´m working on it.


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