Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Crazy, It HURTS!!!

These guys never stop! Now some right-wing nut case named Frank Gaffney believes that the new logo for the Missile Defense Agency's website is part of a "nafarious plot." Here's the logo:

I find the colors to be similar to those used in the Obama campaign's logo, but the thing that drives Our Frank crazy is THE CRESCENT SHAPE, which looks more like a circle broken by the red missile fumes to me, but what does a terrist-lovin' guy like me know?

Lawdy, lawdy, I wonder what that man thinks when he sees the following?

Killer Muslin's is everwhere!!!


June Butler said...

Killer, hilarious post, Mickey. We need laws! No more crescents, croissants, whatever!

Göran Koch-Swahne said...

The legend about Croissants is that it was first baked in Vienna in memory of the nera fatal last Turkish War in 1683. Soooo?

Padre Mickey said...

See, Göran, you got yer Turks in there, so that just proves this all has something to do with terrorists. There's no getting around it!

Leonard said...

Creative is not whacko-sicko Paranoid...much different as these rightwingnuts are finally discovering there is a WHOLE WORLD out there outside their narrowminded, greedy quest to exploit by generating fear and hate (although apparently the beat goes on and they run down slow).

REALITY just takes some getting used to or off to the boobyhatch they go!

lindy said...

I sees that teh Moslems has already colonized the Moon. That's whur it gitz itz crescent shape frum.

lindy said...

PS - Did you see the brilliant and lovely Rachael Maddow on this? She was hilarious.

Matthew Hubbard said...

I interpret this very abstract logo as a missile striking the crescent, so that would say we understand who are enemies are and we are moving forward in the operation to annihilate them. So why is old Frank so grumpy?

motheramelia said...

I assume that he doesn't get upset at the idea that you can see the cross in so many objects too.

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