I'm really into 1960's hippy music right now. I was listening to "Itchychoo Park" yesterday and went to youtube to see what other songs they did and rediscovered this song. I owned the LP way back then and loved this song. I think it was one of the ones eaten by the wood ants a couple of months ago because I couldn't find it.
I'm obvious computer impaired and haven't a clue how to embed videos. I just don't get it. Anyway, I wanted to imbed it, but here's the link instead.
YouTube makes it easy to embed LM. To the right of this video in YouTube is a grey box about the person who posted the video. At the bottom of that box is a window that says, of all things, embed. If you highlight, and cut & paste that code into your post it is all taken care of. If you click the little cog at the right end of the embed window before you copy the code, you can customize the video; colors, size, etc.
I copied the embedded link, but I think my problem is more with blogspot and how to use it on the blog itself.
Click on the html tab at the top of the posting window and paste the link in there. It won't look write in the regular window until you click on preview, and it will be fine when you post it.
Hi Mona. Follow Dah•Veed's instructions BUT this is important: Choose the smallest size by clicking on it (340x285 in this case). Then copy the embed code and post it in the html window of your post. If you do this it will be the right size for your template. If you choose anything bigger you will only get part of the screen on your blog.
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