Later, i presided at the Wedding of Griselda Sterling and Jean Bertrand. It was a beautiful wedding, and everything started on time; a first for a wedding in Panama in my experience. My day-long nap helped me somewhat and it wasn't necessary to wheel me in to the chancel on a hand-truck. The church was beautifully decorated, and they left all the flowers for our Sunday morning services. When the newly married couple exited the church, fire-works were set-off; it was really something!
Las Niñas
Bored sisters
El patio
Waiting to dance
Folkloric Dancers
Obligatory Mrs. Doyle photo
The evening sky
Wedding decorations
The groom arrived in this Rolls Royce
The Wedding Party about to get in line
The bride and her father
We moved the flowers for Sunday morning
How beautiful, especially the folk dancers: Angelic!
And I hope you are well very soon.
The church looks so lovely! It's nice to see the Bridezilla concept hasn't really caught on in Panama. Love the dancers, too.
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