So, the Third Grade of Instituto Episcopal San Cristóbal and their parents visited us en la Misa de 10:30am. Ricky wasn't there as it was his birthday and his daughter took him somewhere for lunch, so I figured that Bernie would handle the music on his own. However, he was a bit late, so I prepared to play Cantad y gracias dad on the guitar. But Bernie showed up at the very last second, so I let him take it. The lil' darlings did a play with Sean Murray, Bishop Murray's son, as Jesus. Sean did a wonderful job; you could tell he had memorized his lines and was very into the play, unlike his classmates. The kids also recited Bible verses and sang a cute song with hand motions. Padre Cáceres and I blessed about 300 kids (well, maybe not THAT many) before Administering the Blessed Sacrament. And, like I said, we went to see Janet on her birthday with la familia Maduro, and it wasn't even Peshac or Thanksgiving!
Fótos de la Misa:
Some three hundred (well, maybe not THAT many) kids come up to sing
The lil' darlings in order, ready to sing
Sean Murray as Jesus (Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not!, well en español; "Dejen que los niños vengan a mí, y no se lo impidan")
A close up of Hillary, a member of San Cristóbal and a lil' cutie!
As always, muchisimas bendiciones
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