Sunday, November 01, 2009

Día de Todos Los Santos en Parroquia San Cristóbal

Now that we have a functioning computer, I'll try to catch-up with photos of church activities. Today we had a single, bilingual service for All Saints' Day. We baptized Nayeli and Rafael into the Body of Christ, and el Coro de los Jóvenes sang the Offertory Anthem.

Instead of holding a service tomorrow for All Souls' Day (attendance has been almost non-existence for this service the past two years) I read the list of the names of the Faithful Departed after the service and those interested pulled themselves away from Coffee Hour to listen. We had about twenty-five people participate, which is much better than the All Souls' Day service last year.

This week starts the National Holidays here in Panamá. Tomorrow is my regular day off, but I get Tuesday and Thursday off, too! AND we're only having the Wednesday service and I can go home afterward. So, I say: ¡Viva Panamá!

Tomorrow I'll post photos from the past few weeks, such as the Cake Baking and Decorating Class Graduation.

Nayeli is in a blue dress, and Rafael is wearing white.

El Coro de los Jóvenes (including some guy who is obviously not un joven); Señora Mona Dresbach, Directora

Alda Allen wore a great hat today!

Teresa Brathwaite bringing desayuno for Padre and for the Money Counters.

1 comment:

June Butler said...

We did the All Souls ceremony today, too. I believe that attendance would be quite low if we had a service tomorrow.

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