And I'm tired, but it's a good kinda tired. I'll probably post about the retreat tomorrow.
Diocesan Convention begins on Tuesday, so tings gonna be sporadic, 'lessen the Lovely Mona does some more award-winning blogging!
Rantings and Ravings and the Occasional Sane Comment of a priest blogging from the Global Center. I have a camera and I'm not afraid to use it! Now with Lovely Mona!!
Glad you are back. I have not been around much, but the prospect of the Lovely Mona blogging is always a reason to come back.
Not that Mickey blogging isn't!!
Wow! i still have some of my high school Spanish in my brain. God Speaks in the silence. Listen!
God speaks in ¨drop kicks¨too.
(don´t believe everything you read)
When ever I returned from a retreat my Dad would say, "Don't bump your halo when you come in the door!"
My Dad, what a joker.
Anyway, I didn't add you to my blogroll because, "To recap the story thus far, was brutally hacked in late 2008. We decided to take most of the system offline to ensure that no customer data was compromised and that we could still continue to serve blogrolls, but without the capability to add or edit them."
Now I could switch to a new blogroll type method and I should, but they might be back on line soon. But rest assured YOU will be on the list.
Your Fan,
Spocko, when one works the retreat one doesn't have a halo.
Thanks for the 'splainin' 'bout the blog roll. esta bien.
Welcome home, Padre! I am here, and you are there, but welcome anyway.
Really Excellent, The party was Rocking.
chair rentals
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