Thursday, September 25, 2008

Today and Brief Padre Mickey Update

Thought I would lighten up the tone this evening.

This morning I worked on a paper for my media class that is due tomorrow. Then I studied for a test in ethics this afternoon that was easier than I expected. Must admit I rambled on in the essay question. But I feel more relaxed because that’s now out of the way. I have tons of reading to do and the ethics paper to write by Tuesday.

Padre Mickey has been calling me every night. What a sweetheart. He’s having a wonderful time. He told me dinner with Jane was great. Says where he’s staying is beautiful. He sounds really relaxed. He will tell you all about it when he gets back next week. He's taken lots of pictures. The boys went with him, so who knows what Friday Night Mr. Red Peanut Bank will bring us next week.

I also went to a meeting for graduation. Yeah!!! I graduate in December!!! They want pictures of us in our cap and gown for the announcement. So I scheduled mine for next Thursday. Must get hair done.... must wear make-up..... Never been too girlie.

Now, I just want to take it easy the rest of the evening. I gots a busy weekend ahead of me. Shriek!!


Jane R said...

Thanks for the update, Lovely Mona. It was a great dinner. Glad el Padre is doing well and has been in touch. The mountains of Western North Carolina really are beautiful. Have fun doing the girlie thing ;-). Will you post pictures eventually so we can all ooh and aah and cheer? Very exciting that you are graduating.

June Butler said...

Blessings on your busy weekend, Lovely Mona.

Fran said...

That is one fab update!

I love the idea of your graduation!! Whoo hoo.

Glad Mickey is well. I am insanely jealous that he and Jane got to meet.

One day, when the federal government bails me out, I will get on a plane and show up at your door.

I am only a little annoying. If I come to Panama I get to meet Padre, I get to meet you, I get to meet Chompita, I get to - well- shreik, you get the picture.

Have a good busy weekend.

I See You!

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