Yesterday (International Women's Day) I led a Quiet Day for the Altar Guild and members of the ECW of Parroquia San Cristóbal at St. Simon's in Gamboa. The ECW of IARCA (Iglesia Anglicana en la Región de Centro América) were holding a conference at the diocesan Conference Center in Santa Clara (where we have campamento) and so many of the women who would be with us were in Santa Clara. We had a wonderful time. Our Senior Warden, Mr. Keith Green, drove our bus. We arrived in Gamboa around 9:15 am. We started with morning prayer, had breakfast, and then I led a bible study on the book of Ruth. The majority of the participants had grown up in the former Canal Zone, back during the days of segregation and we compared that to how the Israelites treated the Moabites. We had some great conversations about entering a different culture, comparing leaving the former Canal Zone to live in Panama City. After lunch we discussed hymnody as a form of prayer and then had a hymn sing-a-long. We were back on the bus and on our way home to Rio Abajo and Parque Lefevre by 3:00 pm. Here are some photos.

The early birds get the best seats!

In the bus and on our way

St. Simon's Sign

STRI (Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute) has some set-up across the street from the church.

Bible study

The group
During lunch I saw this big honkin' rhino-beetle. I named it Giganticus! and it posed for me. When we lived in Paraíso these things would fly into the house, but they move slowly and it's easy to swat them out of the way. Giganticus! didn't fly, it just opened its pincers at me.

So, armed with those photos, is this creature going to become part of the jokesters?
Lucky you being able to upload photos. I have tried and tried tonight but can't.
Padre Mickey leading a quiet day? I perceive a bit of a contradiction here. But I guess it's possible with God's help and a determined effort on your part.
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