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Rantings and Ravings and the Occasional Sane Comment of a priest blogging from the Global Center. I have a camera and I'm not afraid to use it! Now with Lovely Mona!!
¡Los juguetes! WOW... that is hilarious. And right up there with some of the Biggies!
Now we have Google proof that they are respected Anglicanos!
It's the Google Likes Me! syndrome. And a high-larious version it is as well.
I am so grateful for the leadership of His Holiness and His Most Shriekiness in our beloved Communion. Most of those other gits--not so much.
I'm particularly fond of the mix...I mean where do you find ancient bitter and sometimes greedy OLD men chatting it up in floor length tackiness as if they aren't NUTS? Meanwhile, OUR FELLAS from Padre Mickeys are looking quite sane!
The Rt. Reverend Felix Dangerlurker
And am I right? Did I actually see a photo of a bishop whose first name is Tiny?
Imagine if you hadn't had "safe search" on. But who needs All Fools' Day when you've got Google?
You have to be very proud indeed. Thank you.
Veddy nice, but my picture's not on the first page. You'll correct this, no?
Fr. Guido Sarducci
Out of curiosity I ran the Venables Google search with medium safe and strict filtering. Medium safe, you're there; strict filtering,you're not. Guess that makes you a Parental Guidance Suggested enterprise?
Lapin, El Padre wouldn't be included in "medium safe", were it not for the Lovely Mona reigning him in.
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