Last night we had our Watchnight Service. I love the Watchnight Service as everyone is going out after Mass and they really dress up! We started a little after 10:00 pm and ended just before midnight. Since both Bernie Murray and Reynaldo Taylor were working, our friend Mr. Alberto Buddle was our organist for the evening, which saved me from having to play guitar. However, the Lovely Mona and I did a flute and recorder duet for the Offertory. As usual, just at midnight the entire city erupted with fireworks. And the fireworks continued all night. The Lovely Mona and I didn't get to bed until 3:00 am as it was simply too noisy. We watched
Blades of Glory which is very silly and a lot of fun. Señorita Chompita Wiggletail decided that sleeping past 8:00 am was slothful and got us up. We've been moving slowly today and the neighborhood is very quiet.
How are you spending the first day of the New Year?
Here are photos of last night

Mr. Alberto Buddle was our organist
Folks waiting for the New Year to catch them in church

Choir members

The Bynoe family

The kids

Los Jóvenes

Tania Cole with Padre Cáceres

¡Feliz Año Nuevo!
It's so hard to picture Panamanian warmth while sitting wrapped up in a quilt, watching the snow fall outside (we have gotten six or so inches so far). I had a 10.00 HE this morning and it has been a quiet, unproductive day.
Happy New Year, Padre & the lovely Mona and all the great folks at San Cristobal.
Feliz Ano Nuevo Padre and Mona!
Your church looks so wonderful, it really makes me want to visit. I promise to clean up after myself and do other tasks to earn my keep.
Seriously- it does look like a warm and welcoming community. My prayers go out for you all.
Today- we celebrate the Feast of Mary Mother of God. I went to Mass in a snwostorm and heard our really great pastor preach beautifully about women. Very not typical of the kind of preaching I got when in the Archdiocese of NYC. This parish is really good.
Sometimes with all of you in my episco-blogverse I think I may be one of you, but leaving Holy Mother church is not so easy despite all of its ills and MP's constant reminders of them.
Then most of the day doing projects around the house with Mr. He Is.
We are happy indeed on this first new year as a married couple.
La paz de Cristo a Uds!
¡Feliz Año Nuevo to all youse Anglicans in Panama!
Wow! Everyone looks spiffy, but you, Padre. Same old, same old for you.
Happy New Year to you and the Lovely Mona! May the peace of Christ be with you.
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