Rantings and Ravings and the Occasional Sane Comment of a priest blogging from the Global Center. I have a camera and I'm not afraid to use it! Now with Lovely Mona!!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
This, Too, Shall Pass...
and I hope it does so soon. It's not a backache, it's kidney stones. Lotsa wattah fah me.
I've been a lurker for awhile, but as one who's had more kidney stones than I care to count, I couldn't pass this one without offering my prayers.
Oh P Mickey, kidney stones sucketh mightily. Many prayers... the daughter and sister of two kidney stone suffers and who has her own. Hope you've got some strong pain meds, even stronger than Abuelo.
Cranberry juice is good even when you don't have the stone. I think it is supposed to help prevent them. But then what do I know? Love you and hope the pain doesn't get too bad. I've also heard(from a Doctor) that whiskey is good for the pain.
I hate that you've been singled out, by God most probably, with painful stuff (both in and outside of Church)...you're a champ, a beloved and one-of-the-best kidney stone carriers I've ever met and I know their is a very positive message in this nasty business...I want to be like you after you get over your kidney stones and I get over my anger.
Big hugs (around the shoulders and a forearm shake like the indigenous folks do)...no bear hugs.
Inocensio Wolfbang Centerhorst Backenblatt
P.S. Doxy, you're a wonderous and gifted person and Leonardo wanted me to tell you he thinks you're triple swell and the lovliest "Lovely Doxy" for sure...then he asked me to thank you for being kindly toward him (even though he hasn't been stricken with "kidney stones" he has had other stuff) when he's been down and to tell you he loves reading you at all our favorite places and wishes you well siempre.
Oh, poor Padre. I had a kidney stone *once*, and what I remember most vividly is that Vicodin and Percocet didn't help. It got to the point where I was ready to take a steak knife and cut my kidney out of myself, when... FWOOSH... the agony passed.
That f***er was so small they could barely see it and couldn't ultrasound it. I was amazed how such a tiny thing could cause so much pain.
episc0pal0oza indicated that Beer may be queer, and others have said that Liquor is quicker, but I concur with Susie that Cranberry is very... much the way to go. Drink lots of it.
I've been a lurker for awhile, but as one who's had more kidney stones than I care to count, I couldn't pass this one without offering my prayers.
God bless you and keep you, Padre.
Lo siento, Padrecito. Great watery graces be yours.
What the lurker said. You take good care of yourself, Padre.
Oh P Mickey, kidney stones sucketh mightily. Many prayers... the daughter and sister of two kidney stone suffers and who has her own. Hope you've got some strong pain meds, even stronger than Abuelo.
I've found that beer is more efficient than water when treating stones. Drown 'em in beer.
Ow! Mickey! You poor thing. May they pass fast. Screech! For real!
Oh, so not nice! I feel for you.
((((Padre)))) What they all said...especially Caminante who said they sucketh mightily...
Prayers for you!
Ouch! I hope that you're better soon. I don't like the idea of you being in pain.
Prayers for Padre!!
Cranberry juice is good even when you don't have the stone. I think it is supposed to help prevent them. But then what do I know? Love you and hope the pain doesn't get too bad. I've also heard(from a Doctor) that whiskey is good for the pain.
Poor Padre. Prayers for you that the damn stone passes soon and very soon.
Drink da watah!
Prayers for you, Padre. I hope you feel better soon.
(And Leonardo--if you are reading this, thank you for your lovely comment to me a day or two ago. You made my day. :-)
Though our Brother Bob said that Everybody Must Get Stoned, I'm sure he did not mean this.
Our other Brother George said All Things Must Pass Away, and this I pray for you.
Jameson's is a strong restorative.
Prayers for you, Padre.
Prayers for a full and speedy recovery.
May the stone miraculously bust up into microscopic pieces...right...exactly...NOW!
Did it work?
(((Padre))) Prayers for imminent passage.
Padre? You still there? Drink drink drink. We're thinking of you and praying for you and them damn stoneses.
Am I supposed to see the stone in the picture? I don't see the stone in the picture.
Padre Micklenspleen,
I hate that you've been singled out, by God most probably, with painful stuff (both in and outside of Church)...you're a champ, a beloved and one-of-the-best kidney stone carriers I've ever met and I know their is a very positive message in this nasty business...I want to be like you after you get over your kidney stones and I get over my anger.
Big hugs (around the shoulders and a forearm shake like the indigenous folks do)...no bear hugs.
Inocensio Wolfbang Centerhorst Backenblatt
P.S. Doxy, you're a wonderous and gifted person and Leonardo wanted me to tell you he thinks you're triple swell and the lovliest "Lovely Doxy" for sure...then he asked me to thank you for being kindly toward him (even though he hasn't been stricken with "kidney stones" he has had other stuff) when he's been down and to tell you he loves reading you at all our favorite places and wishes you well siempre.
Checking in Padre.. el silencio aqui me hace nerviosa para ti. Cuidate!
Oh, poor Padre. I had a kidney stone *once*, and what I remember most vividly is that Vicodin and Percocet didn't help. It got to the point where I was ready to take a steak knife and cut my kidney out of myself, when... FWOOSH... the agony passed.
That f***er was so small they could barely see it and couldn't ultrasound it. I was amazed how such a tiny thing could cause so much pain.
Mickey my bro, I'm continuing to send prayers and sympathy.
Poor Padre Mickey! I've watched hospital room mates pass stones; I pray your relief comes speedily.
episc0pal0oza indicated that
Beer may be queer,
and others have said that
Liquor is quicker,
but I concur with Susie that
Cranberry is very... much the way to go.
Drink lots of it.
Prayers for the glorious Dance Party Leader.
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