Tuesday, August 19, 2008

¡Muchisimas Gracias! y Oremos

Ricardo Staples asked me to relay is gratitude to everyone for their prayers. He's back home and feeling great and will probably be back behind the bateria (drum kit) on Sunday.

I'm asking you to keep praying for Elizabeth Leigh. When she first went into the hospital we thought she had some kind of tick fever, but it turns out that she has dengue fever and pneumonia in one lung. She is presently in intensive Care at Clinica Paitilla and we're a bit worried. I'm going to visit her tomorrow. The Lovely Mona was there today with Mary Leigh, Elizabeth and Bert's daughter. Please keep praying for Lizzie.


Fran said...

Gracias a Dios por Ricky's health, but many, many prayers for Elizabeth Leigh.

That sounds quite serious and scary.

Many prayers and I will add her name to our parish prayer book.

Leonard said...

Dengue is horrid and very tormenting/draining...prayers for strength, clensing and healing for Elizabeth Leigh

Wonderful: Ricky's back in town!

Brother David said...

¡Oh, Dios mio!

Many prayers for Sister Elizabeth! I pray it is not hemorrhagic.

I had dengue fever in the Fall of 2003. It is horrible, even as one of the two milder forms. I would not wish it on an enemy! It took me almost 4 months to get out of bed. The disease attacks the joints and it settled in my shoulders. My shoulders were frozen and I could not raise my hands above shoulder level for almost two more years.

Almighty God, bless Elizabeth, your daughter, in this time of great need. Comfort and strengthen her to fight this evil which has invaded her body. Give her peace of mind when things seems hopeless, that she may know you are with her.

In the great name of Jesus Christ, who reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, Amén.

Jane R said...


Joining you in prayer...

June Butler said...

Thanks be to God for Ricardo. More prayers for Lizzie.

I See You!

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