Lake Logan is beautiful. It was once the Executive Retreat for the local Paper Mill. Now Episcopalians hang out there. The staff is wonderful, the accommodations are terrific, and the food was wonderful, too. My only complaint is that since it is in a valley, it's still dark at 6:30 a.m. when I like to take my morning walk! And it's much colder than Panamá!
So, photos: You know the drill. Click on the photo for a larger, more detailed version
The Dining Hall
The Dining Room
Hemlock Cabin, where I stayed. It's next to the Dining Hall, which was extremely convenient!
The path to the field
The field
Another view of the field
The river (where I come from, we'd call that a creek, but I guess the definition is different in N.C.)
A fire place for bonfires. As you can see, Sarah Palin's insidious influence pervades even a beautiful place like Lake Logan.
The mountains
Lake Logan. I wanted to take a canoe on the lake, but the only day there was room to do so on the schedule, it rained! ¡Qué lástima!
I decided to get arty and take some nature shots:
The Lilly Pond, which can also be used as a skeeter farm
Close-up of the Lilly Pond
The Woods
'Shrooms, Dude!
Two Old-fashioned Cabins
A fireplace by the old-fashioned cabins
Qué bonita, ¿verdad?
Thanks for the photos — I will be going there next year for CREDO II.
Who-all are y'all callin' insidious, dude?
That's are gorgeous place...are civilian heathens allowed? Love it!
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