Sunday, April 01, 2007

And The Winner Is. . .

I must admit that I am a little disappointed in the April Fools posts for the "Left, so-called" Anglican or Episcopal Blogosphere. I made my small attempt (which has really brought up my stats!) and Stand Firm made an attempt (why are conservatives, oops, I mean reasserters, so lacking in a sense of humour? Kendall Harmon will give up blogging! PUHLEEZE!! That's the best they could come up with?) But the best April Fools post award goes to The Diocese of Saskatchewan Simply brillant!!! My favorite was the post "Virginia Parishoners Object as Services Switched from English to Yoruba" post, but the "Episcopal Church Fights Colonialism" post came in as a strong second.

At least someone has a great sense of humour!!

Thanks to Eileen, Psuedopiskie, Beliefnet, and Father Jake Stops the World for sending people to the Dance Party today. Tomorrow I will post photos from our Domingo de los Ramos services.


Jane R said...

God love 'em up there in Saskatchewan. No one else came close today. I think we all got a little overwhelmed by Palm Sunday. (Which is no excuse.)

episcopalifem said... was my daughter's family birthday celebration AND Palm Sunday - how much can a girl do in a day?

The Saskatchewan thingy was also hysterical...didn't find it until today though..

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