Thursday Mr. Green, our Senior Warden, and Mr. Hudson, our Sexton, drove to Summit Gardens in Parque Soberania to search for palms for Sunday. Every year I write a letter to the head of the park requesting permission to find palm fronds and every year they are very cooperative. Mr. Green and Mr. Hudson gathered enough palms for both of our services and for the folks at St. Alban's in Paraíso and St. Simon's in Gamboa. The ladies of the Altar Guild spent several hours Saturday cleaning and trimming the palms. Here is a photo of the palms, waiting their cleaning. We cover them with old bed spreads and water them regularly so they will be nice and pliant on Sunday; everyone spends their time folding them into crosses during the dramatic reading of Christ's Passion.
1. Congregation gathering for the Liturgy of the Palms
2. The Altar Party
3. Listening to the Gospel
4. Blessing the palms
5. Another shot of the blessing of the palms
6. Proper stance for hitting the back row
7. The procession
8. The congregation in procession
9. Ms. Patsy Pusey with the thurible
10. Comin' at ya!
11. The Altar
12. El Congegación
13. El Coro
14. Blessing palms again
15. Procesión
All in all, a very nice Domingo de Ramos here in Parque Lefevre.
It's the first night of Passover and our extended family is holding our family Seder tonight. I may have photos of our gathering tomorrow.
A happy Passover and Holy Week to all.
By the way, I've decided to try my hand at this blog bidness over at Lotsa 'Splainin' 2 Do. I am not certain I can maintain the high standards of my dear friend Padre Mickey, and my Friday Random Ten will likely be MUCH more boring and mainstream, but when I gots somethin' quick to say, I'll say it there.
So, so neat. Love the description of getting the palms. Someone yesterday wanted to know from where ours came and I couldn't answer.
Great technique with the aspergilium!
Non sequitor -- anyone out there having problems printing out pages from blogs? When I try to do mine, the template splits from the pages and I only get one page of text even though there are fourteen to go. I had a friend try on her computer and it did the same thing. I upgraded the templates on both blogs and now I am flummoxed (that's nothing new).
Caminante, I have the same problem. I wonder if the folks at Blogspot or whoever runs your blog (I use Blogspot) would have an answer if we wrote in. I think they have some kind of write-a-real-person thing.
Mickey, you are one mighty asperg-ing padre! Now that's liturgical energy! Loved seeing the photos of everyone, too.
Blessed Semana Santa and Chag Sameach Pesach!
Loved seeing the photos of domingo de ramos in Parque Lefevre, Padre...brings back lots of memories!
Padre, thanks for the great fotos! I may have to add Panama to our itinerary if David & I ever get to Colombia together. :)
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