So, thanks for your prayers and condolences and good advice on liquids.
However, I think I'll take it easy tomorrow.
Yuck! Chompy just brought me the super-slim Bunrab, still the Filthiest Toy in the House.
Rantings and Ravings and the Occasional Sane Comment of a priest blogging from the Global Center. I have a camera and I'm not afraid to use it! Now with Lovely Mona!!
Well that combo of liquids, if it didn't bust the stone into pieces, busted your brain, no? :)
Anyway, ¡felicidades!
¡Gracias a Dios! Thanks be to God!
Those are horrible things to have. I've had two in the past. In Otoño 2004 I lived alone and had Dengue Fever. I wasn't very able to care for myself and got dehydrated and developed a stone in each kidney.
I hear that if they are large and pass intact it is the closest un hombre comes to experiencing the pain of childbirth!
Glad everything came out alright, Mike. Now do not discontinue the Cranberry juice. It will help your innards to heal! (if you know what I mean, and if you don't, well, whatever).
Oh, and BTW, I am so glad you have left the wings on the Telly Tubbies. They are such cute angels, and come in handy in all situations...
Thanks be to God!
"...if it didn't bust the stone into pieces, busted your brain, no?
Yes! As anyone can see by the violent Friday Mr. Peanut blogging.
By the way, Diana is not violent with her toys, but she has chewed up more than one doggie bed. We bought her a big new bed from L. L. Bean, after her injury and eye surgery, which she dearly loves to stretch out on, but this time, not to chew on.
Hooray and thanks be to Godde!
Now go bury the Bunny. Use Rite One, he was old.
Yay, Padre! Glad you're feeling better.
As to Bunrab, he may be resurrected with stuffing and thread. All is not lost!
Glad to hear you're feeling better, Padre. I wasn't as traumatized by the fate of Bunrab as others, and I think some of the grief may have been worry for you.
I'm sure your flock will be glad the priest/bassist is once again at the front of the pulpit and providing the big bottom he is known for on several continents.
Big bottom?!
Talk about straight lines...
Alleluia, and yay for liquids!
LOL @ Jane.
matty boy...badda bing!
To susan and jane r.; it's musician lingo. You talk about the bassist, and the intro is "On the bottom, we got him! The Right Reverend Michael Dresbach on bass!"
This is a problem, of course, when the bassist is female, like with Tina Weymouth of Talking Heads. "On the botter, we got her" rhymes, but makes no sense.
Thanks be to God! Heal well, Padre!
I know musical lingo! What do I have to do to make a joke around here and not be taken seriously????
And Padre,... cranberry juice needn't be boring. One summer on Cape Cod I invented a drink (I *won't* divulge the name I gave it) consisting of light rum and cranberry juice on the rocks with a flourish of this or that. Cheers!
¡Que alegría! So glad to hear you have been freed from the pain. Now stay well, hear?
Let us know when Bunrab's burial is so we can sing a few verses of "Christ the victorious" for him.
Theological question: in toy bunny heaven does Bunrab get to chew on dogs? Just wonderin'.
I know, but it was still a great straight line...
Th ks be to God.
It must have been the Jameson's
God love ye, Padre!
I'm so glad you're better!
Hooray fer da Padre!
Now I gots to go see what happened to bunnyrab while I was taking my nap.
Juanuchis is right---new stuffing (and a trip through the washing machine) would have Bunrab back to rights in no time.
Glad to have *Padre* back to rights, as that is surely how the Good Lord intends things to be. And I'm with the rest---keep up with the cranberry juice. No sense in going through that again if you don't have to.
David---I know I am not alone in wanting to know the name of that drink...
Glad you are back on form.
"I don't think you're happy enough! That's right!"
Glad you're feeling better! I, on the other hand, have just awoken from a nightmare in which Red Mr. Peanut Bank and Gallito Mescalito meet Bunrab the Undead. Thanks a lot.
supposedly, red wine help prevent the formation of kidney stones.
not that I would suggest that anyone should drink more red wine, of course.
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