I've noticed some extra-stupid activity lately: The Washington Post actually printed a "column" by Sarah Palin on Climate Change (how exactly does someone who thinks the world was created some 6,000 years ago in six 24-hour days suddenly gain the ability to discern between good science and bad science?). She thinks it all a political plot by polar bears or something. The other day Harry Reid (D-May Be Growing A Spine) pointed out that any time there is a major push for change there is always a group saying "Slow down! This is not the time for
insert justice movement name here!" He used the examples of Abolition, Women's Sufferage, and the Civil Rights movement. Well, the Republicans went crazy! "How can Harry Reid compare slavery to Health Care Reform? Doesn't he know it was a Republican president who ended slavery?" Now, those with some reading comprehension skills and the ability to understand the English language realize that Harry Reid wasn't necessarily talking about Republicans, but he
was talking about those who are against all change. These people are called "conservatives." Since the Republican Party is the Conservative Party, and since the Republicans have come out against every possible move towards Health Care Reform (except for tax cuts!) and have been heard recently claiming that "now is not the time for HCR; we have a war to fight!" I guess it isn't too difficult to make the connection, but Mr. Reid wasn't talking about slavery; he was talking about opposition to change.
How the hell do you talk to people like this? How the hell do you negotiate with people like this?

Perhaps we've been approaching this incorrectly. It's true that, after eight years of totally insane dialogue coming out of the White House, many of us yearn, no, DEMAND some sort of sane conversation, but it's not gonna happen with the GOP and the Blue Dog Democrats (who all need a good talking to, complete with threats). I think that maybe the Democratic Party should start behaving in a contrary manner and saying Just Plain Goofy Stuff, too! Why? Because behaving in a sane manner hasn't worked and the GOP can't even understand or comprehend rationality. In the immortal words of J.R. "Bob" Dobbs:
Act like a dumbs**t and they'll treat you as an equal! If we are going to get the GOP to recognize us as equals, we're gonna have to be major dumbs**ts just like them.
Padre, dear me, have you been tippling? The Pineapple was meant to be crystalizing for the Christmas Baskets as was the Mango and Coconut Milk.
Nevertheless, I love a good high (even though I´ve not had one, due to death threats on myself, for almost 31 years)...please pass the Egg Nog (without)...all is well under the volcano, bring the lovely and see (I do stock a full bar for the naughty and nice).
No, Leonardo. I'm just kinda goofy from doing a funeral with the local Seventh Day Adventists. I was asked to do a reflection and did so, and then the preacher said the same thing I did (using the same scripture references) taking 35 minutes to do so in what took me ten minutes.
I guess I am still recovering. . .
Rant on. Can't argue with what you say.
WV=croupp (Sounds a bit like my reaction to Sarah Palin)
Padre, my WV says it all (I love these WVs!) to the Repugs and Blue Canine Demos: "Sussit!"
Florida is well represented by what I'll call "regressives" or neo-cons. They're a step beyond conservative. They love their Sarah Palin, though.
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