Red Mr. Peanut Bank Hello, Gallo Mescalito. Happy Advent!
Gallito Mescalito ¡Shriek! ¿Shriek?
Red Mr. Peanut Bank What is Advent? My goodness! We go through this every year!
Gallito Mescalito ¿Shriek?
Miss Egyptian Hippo of Love Hello, boys! What's shakin'?
Red Mr. Peanut Bank Good evening, Miss Egyptian Hippo of Love! Happy Advent!
Gallito Mescalito ¡Shriek! ¿Shriek?
Miss Egyptian Hippo of Love You're kidding, Gallito Mescalito! We go through this every year.
Red Mr. Peanut Bank That's what I told him!
Gallito Mescalito ¿Shriek?
Miss Egyptian Hippo of Love Advent is the season in which we prepare for our Lord's arrival, both as a baby in Bethlehem and his Second Coming as Judge and King on the Last Day.
Gallito Mescalito ¡¡SSHHRRRIIIEEEEKK!!
Mr. Chompy's Chewed-up Squeaky Kitty Toy Hey dere, everbuddy! 'sup witchoo?
Red Mr. Peanut Bank Good evening, Mr. Chompy's Chewed-up Squeaky Kitty Toy!
Gallito Mescalito ¡Shriek!
Miss Egyptian Hippo of Love Hi cat! We're explaining Advent to Gallito Mescalito once again!
Mr. Chompy's Chewed-up Squeaky Kitty Toy Sheesh! We goes troo dis ever yeah wit him! Ah ya talkin' 'bout dat Rapsure commin' in da clouds stuff? Dat gives me da willies.
Gallito Mescalito ¡¡SSHHRRRIIIEEEEKK!!
Way in the background, barely audible. . . Hey! Yoooooohoooooo! Hey!
Mr. Chompy's Chewed-up Squeaky Kitty Toy Wut is dat noise?
Red Mr. Peanut Bank I have no idea but it certainly is annoying!
Miss Egyptian Hippo of Love You know, Cat, you really don't have to worry about the Parousia, because that 'meet-Jesus -in-the-clouds stuff is a misreading of scripture by nineteenth-century Protestant fellas. So don't worry!
Miss Fuzzy Southern Mountain Moose Hay ya'll!
Mighty Moose of Vermont Advent greetings to all!
Red Mr. Peanut Bank Good evening, Miss Fuzzy Southern Mountain Moose and Mighty Moose of Vermont! It's lovely to see you both!
Gallito Mescalito ¡Shriek!
Miss Egyptian Hippo of Love See, you two? They aren't worried about the Second Coming!
Mighty Moose of Vermont What?
Mr. Chompy's Chewed-up Squeaky Kitty Toy Da boid fohghat 'bout wut Advent means, an' I said dat da Parousia gives me da willies!
Miss Fuzzy Southern Mountain Moose Oh ma gooness!
Mighty Moose of Vermont Oh, the Parousia will be a wonderful day! The One who will judge us is the One who lived among us, Emmanuel, God with us! He's sure to cut us some slack!
Way in the background, barely audible. . . heeeey! Look over here! Yoooohoooo!
Mr. Chompy's Chewed-up Squeaky Kitty Toy Wut IS dat noise?
Way in the background, barely audible. . . I don't know, but perhaps we should look over there, as things are getting Very Theological around here!
Gallito Mescalito ¡¡SSHHRRRIIIEEEEKK!!
Way in the background, barely audible. . . Come on, you guys! Look over here! It's Lil' Jesus, ¡El Penguino! and Ida Hedgehog! Yoooohooooooo!
Red Mr. Peanut Bank Good Heavens!
Lil' Jesus Hey look! We found a big box!
Crocagator Heh. Heh. Heh. Great Big Box! Heh. Heh. Heh.
Ida Hedgehog Les' open it up an' see what's in here!!!!
¡El Penguino! Be careful, little baby Jesus!
Lil' Jesus LIL' JESUS! Not little baby Jesus! And I AM being careful, you stupid flightless bird!
Ida Hedgehog Stop fighting you guys! Just pull on the tape so we can get this open. I hear something.
Somewhat muffled noises from the box Memi mouf! MEMI MOUF!!
Everybody, in one voice Wow! What the heck is that?
Lil' Jesus Everybody! Stand back! This guy looks familiar! STAY BACK!!!
Everybody, in one voice WUT????!?!?!???!!!!!!!
Somewhat muffled noises Mimattahmetmouttamere!!!
Buddy Christ There! That's MUCH better! Hi folks!
Everybody, in one voice Uh, hi! Who the heck are you?
Buddy Christ I'm Buddy Christ! I'm the new face of Christianity. Haven't you ever seen the movie Dogma?
Red Mr. Peanut Bank Welcome, Mr. Christ. No, we haven't seen Dogma, as we are Doggy Toys and Knick-knacks and not allowed near the televisor.
Buddy Christ Well, I know all YOU guys!
Buddy Christ Hey, Gallito Mescalito! Remember when I healed your ankles after your trip to Philadelphia?
Gallito Mescalito ¡Shriek! ¿Shriek?
Buddy Christ That's right! The Bank and the Hippo were there, too!
Everybody, in one voice Are you the same one who healed Gallito Mescalito?
Buddy Christ Uh, yeah, of COURSE I am! Waddaya expect?
Buddy Christ And I'm here to be everybuddy's buddy! I know all your deepest secrets! It's gonna be great!
Lil' Jesus Does this mean Advent is over?
Buddy Christ Of course, not, lil' buddy! I'm Buddy Christ and you're Lil' Jesus. Everyone's still waiting for Baby Jesus and the End-Of-Time Jesus! It's all good. Christmas isn't here yet!
Gallito Mescalito ¡¡SSHHRRRIIIEEEEKK!!
Buddy Christ...nice
¨It´s all good¨
Kinda takes the terror out of it.
Thanks, Padre and Advent celebrity really have a star studded ensemble...imagine...priceless.
I have a Buddy Christ of my own! He's a real pal, but the folds in his garment are a real dust magnet, so make sure to keep him clean.
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