Twelve years ago today, the Right Reverend Richard Shimpfky put his hands on my head while many priests put their hands on my shoulders and back and I was ordained a priest in Christ's holy catholic church. The ordination took place at St. Mark's in Berkeley even though I am canonically resident in the Diocese of El Camino Real as I was living in Berkeley and the family was very much involved at St. Mark's. We had a combined choir of St. Mark's, St. Philip's, San José and St. Francis', San José. It was a wonderful service.
Since that day I have tried to be a faithful pastor, a patient teacher, and a wise councilor.
Today I helped hand out 100 Love Baskets to the poor of Río Abajó and Parque Lefevre, 'cuz that's what I do.
Feliz padreversario, Mickey! May Christ's ministry through you continue to flourish.
Thanks for the photo of the church that sponsored me for priesthood.
Again, I was so happy to be a part of the choir that day! And yes, I believe you are all the things you strive to be, Padre. Be sure to give Mona many kisses to celebrate cause it's her anniversary, too.
Paul, that is not what St. Mark's looked like at the time of Mike's ordination. It was rehabbed, painted etc., etc., etc., right around 2000. And this is a current picture. Notice that the 'bell tower' which has no bells, has been opened up. I think it looks so nice.
Feliz Aniversario, Padre, and many happy returns of the day.
Felicidades Pardre Mickelmas,
You´re the best and we know how good that can be because we feel the vibes in America Central...really healthy ones..thank you.
Leonardo, Len, Lenny, Leonard, Leo
Happy Anniversary, Padre. As long as I've "known" you, you've lived up to your goals to be "a faithful pastor, a patient teacher, and a wise councilor". May God bless you and the Lovely Mona with many more happy and fruitful years of service.
Without the intertubes, we would never have "met", and that would surely have been my loss.
Love and kisses to you and Mona.
How lucky the people in Panama have been that you were ordained and eventually decided to serve them! I'm still praying that your wonderful ministry will continue in a suitable place in the States! Congratulations on your anniversary. Hugs to you and the lovely Mona.
Susie Sue, I remember the refluff of St Mark's as it happened before I moved away, but yes, it was different when I moved to the East Bay in 1981.
So, let's see Paul, I started singing at St. Marks in 1993, and you didn't leave Berkeley until after the 'refluff'? Then why don't I remember you? You would have definitely made an impression on me!!
Ah, site of my parents' marriage...
Oh, and Mazel Tov, Padre!
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