Today was
Love Basket Day at Parroquia San Cristóbal. Yesterday we started putting packages together, and we finished it up this morning when the chickens were finally delivered. We had a small program with the folks who came for Love Baskets. I said a few prayers, Mrs. Moore gave a charla on why we give gifts, and we sang many Christmas songs, with Padre playing guitar. Just like the past three years, we met our goal of 100 Love Baskets. A Love Basket contains everything a Panamanian Family needs for a proper Christmas meal. Each "basket" contained: 2 lbs. rice; vegetable oil; corn meal; lentils; wheat flour; 2 lbs. sugar; fruit juice; a can of tuna;
coditos (elbow macaroni); mayonaise; ketchup; a can of mixed vegetables; half-dozen eggs; 2 lbs. potatoes; a whole chicken; and a cake. People came to the church to get their
paque and members of the parish delivered the rest. Another successful Love Basket program. Thanks to Roxanna Olton and the Damas Episcopales de Parroquia San Cristóbal.
I wanted to get the usual photos of everyone packing stuff up, but the camera had to be in two places yesterday; the Lovely Mona had a Christmas Party to attend
El Hogar de Niñas de las Capitál, which demands photos, too. Since everything starts late around here (grrrrrrrr), the Lovely Mona had to take off with the camera before the actual packing got started. Of course, the party started late and she had to leave before the Real Action started there. I'm hoping she'll post photos tomorrow.
Anyhoo, photos!
Stuff waiting to be packaged



Love Baskets ready to go!


Mrs. Moore with Teresa Brathwaite

Folks in line for their baskets
Hooray for you and las Damas Episcopales and a joyous Christmas to all the families!
Word verification: melences. Sounds like a Spanish word.
How wonderful! These people are the light of the world.
Good work Padre Mickey.
Warms da heart, Fadder!!
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