Our Assistant Rector, Revdo. Canonigo Luis Cáceres was across the street at Instituto Episcopal San Cristóbal presiding at a Misa for the graduates and the Blessing of the Rings, so I was on my own.
The Lovely Mona arrived in time to visit folks at the Coffee Hour and snap a few photos.
Mrs. Muriel Doyle
Mrs. Alda Allen with one of her marvelous hats
Here are some photos from la Misa a las 10:30
Bernie, Peter, y Keisha discussing the proper order of the Advent Wreath lighting ceremony
Lisa, Jonathan, y Adelia del Coro de los Jóvenes
I asked the Lovely Mona to snap some shots of this, one of my favorite chasubles. I thought she would have me pose, but, being smarter than I. . .
. . .she took these shots during la Misa. She calls them the live action shots.
I love, love, love Mrs. Alden's hat.
Lovely to see pictures of you celebrating the holy mysteries, Padre. Nice chasuble indeed!
Word verification says "sholit."
(As in "You sholit those Advent candles nicely!")
I wonder wehere that visitor goes to church in Singapore. One of the folks at seminary was there last Christmas and she said the musical warm-up for the service took nearly an hour!
Lovely Duds, Padre!
Word=phick as in 'You are in the phick of the action there, Padre!'
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