Saturday, December 12, 2009

More Holiday Dancing

Oy is just Yo backwards! Happy Hanukkah, y'all!


Brother David said...

The video was a lot of fun to watch.

I am not as sure about the group that sponsored it. They sponsor the moving of North American and UK Jews to Israel. If Israel is already so populated that they have to encroach into the Palestinian Territories and build settlements, then this group just gives then the more reason, more excuses, to do so.

I am satisfied to let Israel exist as it is. I am not willing to support Israel to continue to expand and occupy the rest of Palestine. They lied, cheated and stole to create Israel. They used the same sorts of terrorist acts against Palestinians that they condemn Palestinians for using against them today to get a foothold on the land. It is time that they quit foot dragging and actually assist the Palestinians to have just as good a homeland as they want for themselves!

motheramelia said...

It was fun to watch. Bollywood has influenced Israel too. I agree with David that solving the Palistinan homeland problem is long overdue. I think expanding more and more into the rest of Palestine is criminal.

Leonard said...

I really liked it.

Thank you,


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