However, a certain Brazilian fan of Gallito Mescalito (whose name I will keep secret but his initials are Luiz Coelho) wrote and photographed a story about a certain kitty we all love and the family of said rooster. I love the story and I think we must all admit that Tina is either very patient or overly lazy, as stated in the text.
So, today we proudly present the Guest Blogging Premier of "Tina Meets Gallito Mescalito's Family":
Photo 1 - It was just another day for the lovely Tina, sleeping on her favorite blue sofa when a procession of Mescalitos suddenly interrupts her lazy day.
Photo 2 - Tina, who is a good Anglo-Catholic cat, is very aware of processions with incense and thuribles and St. Francis' blessing of the animals, but she gets very puzzled with that strange family of multicolored crazy gallitos.
Photo 3 - Shriiiiieek, said one of them, and all stopped around Tina. Apparently they want to be friends, and then engaged in a very productive conversation:
Tina: Meowwwwwwwwww
Mescalito 1: Shrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiieeeeeeeeek
Mescalito 2 and 4: Shhhhh shhhhhhhh shhhhhhhhriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeek
Tina: Meeeeouuuuwwwwwwwwwwww
Mescalito 3: Shrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeek
Photo 4 - At the end, they became friends. But, since Tina is overly lazy, in the middle of the conversation she fell asleep again and the Mescalitos had to go back home.
Here endeth the story.
Awww..Tina...don't let those naughty mescalito on you! Bat them with your paw!
You have GOT to send the last photo to stuff on my cat. It's too good not to.
That was pretty cute.
Next time you come to Berkeley, remember to bring the boys. Then you don't have to disappooint their fans by not being able to post anything.
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