Photos by the Lovely Mona
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Today we had a single, bilingual service at 7:30 am and then the Annual Parish Meeting afterwards. As usual, lots of people for la Misa, and only about 40 for the meeting. I don't know what to do to keep people around for the meeting! The misa was nice; we had a couple celebrating their 59th wedding anniversary, and we had visitors from Hawaii. Mona took some photos, including two with that hot thurible action so popular with the Ship of Fools crowd.
I'm traveling all day tomorrow, and I have no idea what my internet access will be like during the week, so I'll be turning over the keys to the place to the Lovely Mona, who may post on occasion. It's hard to say, 'cuz she's a student, a GOOD student who does her homework and doesn't mess around with blogs like her worthless husband.
1. Choroland McQueen prepares to wave that thurible
2. Here it comes!
3. The Congregation
4. Dem girls talkin' in church!
5. Another shot of the congregation
6. Special blessings for birthdays, travel, wedding anniversaries, and prayers for the sick.
7. Special blessings from another view
8. Padre gets a travel blessing
9. Singing during communion
10. Communion
Padre Mickey, the pictures and the captions are wonderful. Ms. McQueen is masterful with the thurible.
Have a safe trip.
Finally, I can post (the comments wouldn't come up earlier). Maybe that's the way I can get past some of my congregation's fussiness about incense (which I love and use on all feast days): have our service outdoors. Of course, in 10-degree weather, it would be a pretty short liturgy... something the same folks would also appreciate.
The way both the church at which I grew up and the church I now attend keep folks for the meeting is by serving lunch...
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