Okay, I promised you fótos from the service last night, and here they are. It was a very nice service and the fireworks started while we were finishing up communion, so I guess I planned things well. The Youth Choir and the Adult Choir were together in the choir stalls. Padre Cáceres preached a wonderful sermon. It was a bilingual service, which usually means that I take all the english parts of the service and Luís takes all the parts en español, but this year I functioned in both languages (Luís isn't ready to take on much english yet). Mona took a great fóto of Patsy Pusey waving that thurible. We used real frankincense from Somalia last night; I was breaking the big chunks into small pieces just before the service. After Mass, we watched the fireworks over the city, and then many people went dancing. Mona took fótos of folks in their New Year's Best. ¡Feliz Año Nuevo a todos!
Fótos by the Lovely Mona
1.Ms. Patsy Pusey and the Thurible
2. Angie and Jonathan of the Youth Choir
3. Sandra y Tania
4. Layla
5. Mavis y amiga
Your people always seem to be enjoying themselves in church. I suppose you get away with it because you're so far away from head office. However, if they see these photos you're going to be in a lot of trouble - us Anglicans do not go to church to have a good time.
Ay, what fun! I'm jealous.
Psst, Padre, you're being talked about...
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