Face it, folks, you gonna wanna click dese fótos, fer sure!
Let's face it; only the BEST kinda folks post on Padre Mickey's Dance Party. Well, that English priest, Jonathan or whatever can be kinda nasty, but overall we only attract the best kinda folks. And one of the best persons, in my opinion, and since this is my blog my opinion is the one which counts the most (well, I have agreed to let the Lovely Mona post here, too, but she agrees with me on this point, so her opinon counts, too) is Leonardo Ricardo, Artiste Extraordinaire. Not only does he paint wonderful pictures and furniture and crosses and stuff, but he doesn't take any S*** from right-wing, homophobic wankers. And he is really funny, and one of the sweetest folks here at the Dance Party. And, with his permission, I now present to you examples of his art. Enjoy!
Your blog is confusing. You seem to be doing the Lord's work, yet you don't believe the Bible to be the infallible Word of God, and you call other Christians who don't believe in your liberal mumbo jumbo "masterbators". Very confusing...
Gee Monica, what can I say, anyone who has actually read the Bible can't believe that it is infallible, what with all the contradictions. As for those who disagree with me, I only call the homophobes wankers.
So the question I present to you is: "Can one do the Lord's work and still use their brains?" I say "yes." What do you say?
I believe it is infallible and that there are no contradictions, only incorrect interpretations, taken out of context. One of my favorite sermon series is Why I Believe, subtitled "Can I be a Christian without throwing my brain in the trashcan. I would be very happy to send you a copy of the series on tape.
If you don't believe in the infallibility of the Bible, how can you be a Christian? Honestly, you can then pick and choose the parts you believe are correct and throw out the other parts the you find distasteful or don't want to believe and make your own religion to satisfy your own human (and fallible) convictions.
We are all God's children and by God's grace we are blessed and loved. I think by that alone, we should treat each other with kindness and love. Besides, that is what Jesus commanded.
In all honesty, we all pick and choose from the Bible what suits us, no matter how we interpret the Bible--infallable or not, as Athiest or Christian or any other religion.
Leonardo, I love your paintings. They are beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing them.
"We are all God's children and by God's grace we are blessed and loved. I think by that alone, we should treat each other with kindness and love. Besides, that is what Jesus commanded."
I totally agree with that statement. Who said I did not treat all people with kindness and love? Not me.
What I saw when I stumbled upon this blog was hatred, hatred for fellow Christians, vulgar language, and a "padre" who doesn't believe in the Bible. This very talented artist, wants to rape me, wow.
Which is more loving, a doctor telling you that you have a habit or disease that can kill you and trying to help, or your doctor telling you that you are just fine so he won't upset or worry you?
I can't wait to meet you in person one day, won't that be a lively conversation? I guess it bothers me too that there was no mention of the significance of Feb. 11th to you. Goodbye for now and I hope I at least gave you some things to ponder on today.
Monica, you have jumped to some interesting conclusions. Firstly, I didn't say "I don't believe in the Bible" I said I don't believe it is infallible. Inspired, yes, infallible, no. As far as picking and choosing are concerned, it is my experience that everyone picks and choses what they want to believe and that which they don't. My parents were in the Assemblies of God church, I went to a school run by Southern Baptists, Nazarenes, AofG's, and other evangelicals; I know all about the "infallible Word of God" stuff. All those folks picked the parts they liked, too, and I suspect you may, also. Mona stated the same. Since I don't use this blog to teach about the scriptures, my beliefs regarding infallibility are not important, are they?
From what I read of Leonardo's comments, and from what I know of him, he certainly didn't want to rape you, that is quite an accusation. Also, I don't hate Christians who disagree with my "liberal mumbo jumbo" but I do hate their actions, especially in regards to how they want to treat my GLBT brothers and sisters.
I guess I should apologise for not mentioning the significance of February 11, but the truth is I have no idea what that significance may be.
If the Dance Party bothers you so, you may consider staying away, but I have no reason to block you.
Maybe it is the grasp of the English language that is the problem.
n : slang terms for masturbation [syn: jacking off, jerking
off, hand job]
You said "If I every wanted to "wank" one I wanted to want this tormented creature". I am sorry if I misinterpreted your intentions. Maybe that is a term a Christian should not use.
I'm surprised you jumped to the conclusion that I was refering to you. Perhaps I was trying to make sure the "guys" were going to kind to you, not the other way around. Didn't mean to make you believe it was a personal attack because it wasn't.
This site was designed to inform our family and friends about our ministry. It was never my intention to start arguments here.
I see this is a discussion that will not be solved and most likely continue being ugly. What a shame. We just wanted to share Leonardo's beautiful art.
I stand by Padre Mickey in that if you're uncomfortable here, you might find another blog elsewhere that will be more to your liking.
Personally, I'm bowing out and leaving God to handle the feelings here. God knows what's best.
Congrats, Padre. You're now a real blog!
On the proper subject, those are really pretty. Leonardo, you have talent.
Never mind the Barbarians, Leonardo. You're an incredibly talented artist! Thank you for sharing with us.
Leonardo - I love your use of color! It's wonderful!
And the names are parfait.
Don't feed the trolls folks!
Blessings to all here, and even those who don't really belong here, and whom I don't really feel like blessing, cuz Jesus said we should.
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